Separation Anxiety

692 17 11

Mystia AU

Stage 1- Protest

Jake woke up to the empty bed as he looked around for Sean. He stepped out of his room as he started to walk downstairs to look for Sean in the kitchen. His heart rate suddenly increased as his breathing increased as he gripped his chest, tears pooling from his eyes.

Jake's mind ran wild as he tried to calm himself nothing worked as he then started to cry, droplets of rain soon started to hit the window, soon it fell hard as The peach haired teen was sobbing,

He curled up into a ball and let his tears fall, he could not do anything to stop them, soon he stopped and so did the rain, he got up and started to Cook and Clean. After a few minutes, he was throwing Knives at the wall, then threw plates, glass, a vase, a mini-fridge, and then more knives.

Jake started to Scream and yell every Curse Word he knew. He then just sat down on the floor, snarling at all who came near him, He just wanted Sean. In addition, Sean was not gonna Come back anytime soon.

Stage 2- Despair

The Peach boy sat on the ground, his mind running, Thoughts he didn't want to think about Why was he alone?, What happened The Night before? Why did Sean leave him ?, And Now he cant stop thinking about The Black-haired boy. Where is he?, Did he meet in an accident?, Or Did he leave him

These thoughts caused Jake's Tears to flow freely down his cheeks as he tried stopping but nothing worked. So he just laid on the floor eyes closed as he cried

He got up, and he walked to the kitchen. He sat on the counter, as he slowly hummed to the music in the background, he was dressed in His lover's sweater as he then started to move around balls of water in the air, he hummed as he then placed them back down.

Stage 3- Detachment

He was taking a shower, his gem glowed as so did his eyes, a bubble of water engulf him as he started to scream and thrash around in the water, he couldn't move as then the water made him stay still, he was drowning, and he couldn't move or anything, he never knew that this is how he would end.

He held his chest he screamed and trashed, the water from the pipes bursting as it surrounded him, He started to freak out as he yelled holding his chest the water starting to spin faster and faster, it was sharp enough to cut metal, Jake laid in the middle as tears fell from his eyes.

The doors shut as The peach-haired boy curled into a ball he then just tried to calm himself but nothing worked, the water that spun around him glowed blue as he then just screamed.

Sean ran home when he got the stuff he wanted to give Him, As soon as he opened the door, he was hit with a wave of sadness, he rushed over to his boyfriend and hugged him.

"Im sorry for scaring you," Sean says "I just went to get a teddy bear for you". Sean hugged him as he then kissed his cheek

"P-Promise you wont leave me" Jake mutters

"I promise," Sean says, smiling.

Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now