Movie Aftermath

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Jake falls asleep during the car ride home and Sean carries Him into the house.

╔═════☩══♛══☩═════╗"That movie was Amazing" Jake says , he smiles sitting in the drivers seat next to Sean.

"Yeah, The murder scenes were kind of boring" The ebony teen replied as he pulled out of the driveway. The radio played softly in the background,

Jake was humming along with the music, soon he started to sing "I love this song!" He smiled as he then started to dance in the car.

"You look amazing," Sean says, his face flushing slightly as he diverts his attention back to the road.

He drives in silence as Jake suddenly became more weary. " Hey Sean, I Uhm I feel tired are we there" Jake slurred.

" Not yet, sweetheart, we're almost there" Sean whispered.

The ride back was silent Spotify played on the radio. Slight snores came from Jake.

Sean looked over a smile on his face; It took him five to 15 minutes to arrive he pulled up into their driveway and took Jake out of the car.He opened the door to their house and walk inside carrying Jake to his room.

Jake clung to him like a newborn baby holding him close as he smiled slightly in his sleep.

Sean laid him down in his bed, But Jake pulled him close so the shorter boy fell on top on him.

"E-eh?" Sean stuttered taken off guard, a blush rising to his face

Jake pulled him closer "shhh, just sleep with me"

"Fine" Sean says breathing heavily as he realized how close they were; And then they cuddled to sleep.


Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now