Overprotective Best Boyfriend

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Sean tilted Jake's chin up to get a better look at the shorter’s face and the evidence of the fight. Sean delicately thumbs away a streak of blood from Jake's mouth, saying nothing as they examine it.--Even though this was serious Jake’s cheeks flushed red.

After a brief pause, Jake's heart skips a nervous beat as Sean looks Him dead in the eyes. His voice was  quiet and tense. His  anger barely restrained.

“Who did this to you?”

Jake didn't answer, He couldn't– not after last time.

Jake tried looking away " I fell…" he says swiftly, shutting his eyes.

"Jake Sterling."

Sean's voice was cold and stern. He stared at Jake a bit before he then moved off.

"Sean?" Jake called out, as he noticed Sean start to walk in the direction of Drew and the others.

" Sean calm down-" Jake says as he started to walk behind him, The taller teen ignored his lover's protests as he then just started running.

"Oh god- Sean!"  He yelled limping after him

Drew was talking to Zander or well talking bad about him. Sean's fist collided with Drew's face as he was sent  flying into a wall.

"You."Sean starts "You hurt my Jake"

Drew looked up, his eyes widened in fear " W-Wha-" he says, before he realized what was going on "Look it wasn't me" Drew started as he tried getting up but was pushed down by Sean's foot.

"Heh.. you think you can fool me" Sean's voice was lower and more monotonic, his hands twitching as he smirked at Drew.

Jake, with help from Luke– finally arrived at the club room door where Sean was beating the hell out of Drew.

"SEAN!" Jake yelled, the black haired teen turned around and saw Jake.

" No one is going to hurt you " be says " now Drew, you better Leave my boyfriend and friends alone" he ordered, black eyes narrowed.

Sean walked away after Drew weakly said yes, he picked up Jake bridal style and left. " Sean,-' Jake says softly, soon he felt lips against his.

"I love you" Sean mumbled, Jake blushed greatly as he kissed sean back, before pulling away again.

"I love you too"

Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now