MLB AU [ 1 ] Misfortune's Fortune

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Mister Luck - Jake
Sir Noir- Luke ( Temp // may change in the Future )
Tortue- Sean
Misfortune- Hailey


Jake was running as the akumatized villain chased him "You will Pay for that!" They yelled, Tortue jumped down and grabbed Jake who was holding onto him for dear life.

"Thanks" Jake says, soon an orb was shot at them, tortue deflected it and glared at Jake.

"I told you to run home, why don't you listen!" He scolds, Jake resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Look, I was going to find Mister Luck" Jake says rubbing his neck, as he realised if he stayed any longer, The city would be in danger.

"Stay. Here" The dark-skinned Hero ordered, as he leaped off to fight misfortune.

Jake being, well Jake didn't listen, instead, he hid behind a building and transformed,

Mister Luck landed next to Tortue, the hero glanced at him before he smiled.

" Bugaboo" The feline hero cheered as he landed next to mister Luck.

"GAH- Sir noir" the bug-themed hero scolds as he lightly slapped the taller boy's arm.

Torture glared at the two " if you are done flirting, get ready we have a villain to beat" he snapped.

Mister Luck nodded, his face turned stern as he got ready to fight.

" Lucky Charm!"
Jake detransformed and ran towards the spot he was originally at, he twisted his leg and groaned, getting up he limped back and stood back where Tortue left him, the turtle-themed hero swung over and looked at him.

" I thought I told you not to move," he says, watching as Jake stood in pain.

Jake stared at him, his heart speeding up " huh what-"

Tortue pointed to the limp he had " you fell didn't you" he asked walking closer.

"What noo" Jake says.

"Jakey, don't lie to me," Tortue said in a stern tone.

Jake looked away, and blushed " okay maybe I did"

Sighing he picked up the boy and then leaped off towards Jake's house.

Standing on the balcony, Jake's hands where around Tortue's neck, whilst the hero's hands were around his waist.

Tortue pulled down his hood, and smiled at Jake " You know, you need to stop making me worry Jakey"

Jake flushed and laid his hands on the hero's chest, "s-shut up.."

Tortue lifts Jake's chin and closed the gap kissing him, hearing the beep of the Miraculous Jake shut his eyes tightly and he felt Tortue pull away.

"See you soon Jakey" the hero then leaped off towards his home.

Jake gushed and squealed, his first kiss was by the hero who saved him.

The question is who is behind that mask.


Should I make this a series via parts or a separate story

I may use my fanmade Miraculous Box or the Chinese one.


Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now