Library Talks

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Sean sat in the library reading a book, he was enjoying the silence that was there, Jake walked inside playing with the ends of his sweater.

Sean looked up and spotted Jake who entered, "Oh Hello Jake," he said in a happy tone, The enthusiasm made Jake's heart flutter.

Jake smiled lightly "Hey Sean," He says.

Sensing something was wrong, Sean got up from where he was and sat next to Jake. "What's wrong?"He asks "You only call me by my first name if you're sad, or mad or something," The taller teen says looking at his friend who was shaking slightly.

"I-I think I like someone I shouldn't" He starts. his eyes welling up with tears.

Sean's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who do you like?" he asks.

Jake looked up "Y-You know him actually"

Sean was actually confused, hurt, and slightly intrigued, so he leaned forward and whispered again. "Who?"

Jake leaned up pulling the taller teen into a kiss, The kiss caught Sean off guard. , his face flushed a bit before he kissed back pulling away.

"Y-You like me?" He asks

"Yes, I do like you Sean"

Sean smiled as he then hugged Jake "I-I like you too Jake"

Jean Shorts/Fics  -[ Jake X Sean ]💛🖤Where stories live. Discover now