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jimin and yoongi experienced an awkward air as the two stood at the kitchen counter. yoongi with a cup of coffee and jimin with a glass of orange juice.

when yoongi had awoken earlier, he had been alone in bed - a bit to his dismay. the mochi being nowhere in sight.

jimin had managed to squirm free from yoongi's tight embrace, unable to escape the embarrassment though as he had been caught walking down the hall back to his own room.

so the two currently stood in the kitchen, no words being exchanged as they sipped on their respective drinks.

"i'm sorry."

jimin turned to yoongi as he'd broken the silence. "why?" jimin asked, placing his glass down gently.

"well, i broke our pinky promise, didn't i?" he asked. jimin thought about it for a moment. 'if the wish doesn't work, i'll buy you ice cream'.

"i mean, not really." the mochi replied. "i won't make you buy me ice cream." he said with a smile, looking into the living room.

he felt a gaze, turning his head to meet min yoongi's. "so, you're saying you don't want ice cream?"

"thank you, hyung!" jimin beamed happily, taking the first few licks of his delicious strawberry ice cream cone.

the two walked along the path at the park, each holding their cones as the sun warmed up the otherwise chilly autumn day.

"you're welcome." yoongi said, tasting his own ice cream flavour. he stopped walking.

jimin had noticed the halt, stopping his steps as well as he looked to the male. "what's wrong yoongi-hyung?"

yoongi furrowed his brows. "i don't know what flavour this is."

"what flavour did you ask for?"

"i asked the man to surprise me." yoongi muttered. "i can definitely say i'm surprised."

jimin let out a small laugh, making yoongi's expression soften.

"would you like to taste?"

jimin's brows raised, tilting his head. "o-oh do you mind?"

"i don't mind, do you mind?"

"i don't." jimin said, leaning forward as he took a small lick of the other's ice cream - scrunching his nose as he analyzed the flavour. he spoke slowly. "cinnamon? maybe maple?"

it was sweet, but there was a spice.

"i like it." jimin said with a smile returning to his lips. the two then continued on with their walk. "do you?"

"it's pretty good." yoongi had to agree. "it's just very sweet."

"the sweeter the ice cream, the sweeter the person." jimin noted in a sing-song voice, making yoongi let out a small chuckle.

"oh really?"

"yeah really." the mochi replied, beginning to kick a small pebble down the path.

the pair didn't necessarily have a plan for the day. obviously they'd gone to get jimin his ice cream but other than that, there wasn't really an agenda. they came across a few different stands as they explored the park, unaware the green space even existed up until about an hour ago.

"oh hyungie, look at this." jimin cooed as they stopped at a stationary stand. each of the notebooks had covers that were littered in cat doodles. yoongi smiled a bit as he watched the boy's eyes light up.

"it's cute." he hummed softly, following jimin's gaze as he studied all the other cat-filled stationary that the stand had to offer.

they continued their browsing at each stand, jimin letting out a gasp as they came across the final stand - create your own candle.

"yoongi-hyung!" he exclaimed, pointing at the stand. "let's make a candle!" yoongi chuckled as the two of them approached the stand.

"a candle? what for?" he asked as he inspected a few of the already made candles.

"since we're now living together, it's a way to remember our first real time hanging out together." jimin reasoned. "i'm having fun, and i wanna remember it. are you having fun?"

yoongi couldn't help but grin shyly. "yeah, i'd say so."

"exactly." jimin stated proudly, he then hummed in thought. "what should we make it smell like though?" he asked, making the elder tilt his head.

"strawberry ice cream." yoongi suggested, having come to the conclusion as the whole reason they even left the house was for jimin's ice cream.

"but what about your ice cream, hyungie?" he asked, he then beamed. "i know! i know!"

"it's definitely, interesting." taehyung noted bitterly as jimin showed off the candle.

the swirled pink and brown candle smelt musky yet sweet - it was a combination you least expected yet, worked quite well together.

tae shifted and pulled jimin on to his lap as he snaked his arms around the mochi's waist. "but living with him has been okay so far?" jin asked, making jimin nod quickly.

"yoongi's a super awesome roommate, i'm very lucky to have gotten him out of all people." jimin explained, grin spread ear to ear as he spoke.

jungkook took another sip of his drink, letting his tongue click. "where is he now? didn't you just say you came from the market?" he asked, seemingly skeptical of the character.

"he said he needed to run to the store and that he would pick me up on the way home." the mochi replied.

in all honestly, all three of the protective men seemed to be quite skeptical. but nonetheless, jimin seemed quite content and happy - especially with peach being out of the picture.

jimin let out a happy sigh as he leaned back against taehyung's chest. "the only thing that would make this any better would be getting to tell peach."

the room became sour, the air stuffy with the uncomfortable side of jimin's thoughts.

the boy was more in love with that stuffed animal than anything else on the planet.

"minnie." taehyung said softly as he rubbed jimin's arms in a soothing manner. "how are things without peach?"

jimin let out a soft laugh, tilting his head. "they're okay, but i wish he was still around."

"are you okay?" jin asked, resting a head on his hand as he studied the mochi. jimin wasn't typically the type to hesitate with an answer.

but he looked at seokjin, face suddenly heating up before he leaned forward; resting his head between his hands.

and then the tears began.

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