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yoongi closed the hatch of his car, having finished packing the bags away.

"i'll miss you jin-hyung!" jimin cooed, wrapping his arms around the eldest's neck tightly.

jin hugged the boy back with a chuckle. "we have that coffee date tomorrow, remember?" he reminded the mochi.

"oh yeah!" suddenly jimin wasn't so sad to part with the group.

hoseok and yoongi leaned against the hood of yoongi's car, discussing yoongi's plan.

"yeah, i'll come with you." hoseok beamed. "that's such a great idea, i think you'll make him super happy."

yoongi smiled, watching the mochi with crossed arms. "i hope so."

"just don't give him the wrong idea."

yoongi looked to hoseok, brows suddenly furrowing as he spoke. "what do you mean?" the elder asked.

"oh." hoseok said with a small, half-hearted smile. "well you said you didn't like-like jimin, so-"

"i love him, okay?" yoongi muttered, cutting off hoseok. looking back over to the boy, he watched as jimin happily chatted along with taehyung and namjoon. "i know it hasn't been long, and i literally learned his birth date like two days ago - but he feels like a breath of fresh air."

he felt a playful punch to his arm, looking over to see hoseok grinning. "you must be so cheesy when the two of you are alone." he teased softly. "i don't think love can be measured in time. because how does love at first sight work out then?" he asked, making yoongi smile softly. "i think you're really good for him, and i think he's really good for you, too."

yoongi let out a soft sigh of relief. "you know, i thought you would've said it was too soon."

"oh no way." hoseok beamed. "i mean sure, it might be a bit fast but you also treat him like you've known him forever. you guys don't seem like you've known each other for lone months."

yoongi nodded, taking in the information before jimin came over to him - beaming happily. "ready to go home, hyungie?" yoongi couldn't help but grin as he placed his hands on the boys waist.

"i'm ready, peach."

yoongi gently closed the boy's bedroom door, having tucked jimin into bed before making his way into the living room. he sat on the couch with a yawn - exhausted from the crazy week that had just took place.

there were thoughts ramped in yoongi's mind as he closed his eyes, sighing in relaxation. the next string of thoughts were about jimin, more less the boy's birthday party. seokjin had agreed to help with planning, making yoongi relax slightly. and hoseok said he'd go to the store with yoongi, again, helpful.

"hyungie?" a voice asked softly. yoongi's eyes shot to the boy standing there, sleepily wobbling.

yoongi smiled. "you're supposed to be sleeping, peach." he then patted his lap. "what's the matter?"

jimin came over, curling up on yoongi's lap as he hummed. he rested his head on the elder's shoulder as he let out a yawn. "nothing's wrong." jimin mumbled sleepily - beginning to drift off. "just wanted to sleep with you."

yoongi's lips creeped into a grin, hugging the boy to his chest tightly. "you're the cutest." yoongi muttered, beginning to trail kisses down jimin's cheek.

jimin giggled softly. "that tickles, i'm trying to sleep." he replied, sitting up and cupping the elder's cheeks. "hush."

"don't sass me." yoongi teased, standing as he held the boy in his arms.

"where are we going?" jimin asked as yoongi started to walk off.

"to bed."

jimin was out like a light as yoongi cuddled with him - the elder being unable to fall asleep.

"i love you." yoongi whispered, studying the sleeping boy's features as his fingers ran through the mochi's hair gently.

there wasn't a response from jimin, the boy only snoring softly as he cuddled closer to yoongi. the elder smiled. "and i think you love me too, peach."

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