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a/n: this is a couple months later, october.

"so tomorrow." yoongi started, "taehyung and jungkook are gonna take you shopping."

jimin sipped on his milkshake, beaming happily. "i like shopping." yoongi couldn't help but smile along.

"i know." the elder replied.

"are you gonna come?" jimin asked hopefully.

yoongi let out a soft hum, hesitating. "i need to go to the studio for a while."

jimin's smile immediately fell. "but it's my birthday." he said softly, pouting his lips.

"peach." yoongi tried to reassure the boy. "we'll do something together in the evening, i promise."

jimin seemed a little bummed out, but understood as he sighed a bit. "okay, but you have to do something for me." he said, attempting to hide his growing smile.

"anything." yoongi grinned.

"bring me a chocolate cake."

yoongi nodded solemnly. "i can do that."

jimin then held out his pinky. "promise?"

yoongi linked his pinky with jimin's kissing his thumb. he watched jimin kiss his own thumb before the two touched their fingers together. "i promise."

"oh gosh minnie, we'll be back later." taehyung tried to reassure him as jimin hugged yoongi tightly, sighing loudly for dramatic effect.

"yeah, i'll see you later don't worry." yoongi tried to reassure the boy as he hugged jimin tightly.

the mochi eventually let go before taehyung had the chance to pick him up, making the boy squirm. "bye yoongi-hyung~" jungkook sang, following behind the pair as taehyung carried the boy out.

as the door closed yoongi quickly pulled out his phone, sending a text. around ten minutes later, there was a knock on the apartment door. yoongi opened the door, smiling as seokjin entered followed by namjoon and hoseok.

the three men placed plastic bags down - filled with decorations. "i'm so excited." hoseok beamed, starting to take a few things out of the bags.

seokjin placed a few gifts for jimin down on the counter before wrapping an arm around yoongi's shoulders. "where do you guys have to head, today?" he asked, making the second oldest hum in thought.

"we need to pick up the cake, and i have a few places to stop for his gifts." yoongi explained, making seokjin nod.

"you two should get going then." namjoon piped in, "hyung and i will start to decorate." he said happily.

it was fair to say everyone was excited to celebrate the mochi's birthday - the boy being the cutest of all, making it even cuter seeing him so happy.

rather quickly, yoongi and hoseok had left the apartment, getting into yoongi's car as the pair left the parking lot.

after the long drive - to yoongi's dismay - the two males arrived at the shopping mall. they had to purposely go to a different mall than usual considering jimin, taehyung and jungkook, were at the one closest to home.

"i feel stiff." yoongi grumbled as he got out of the vehicle, stretching.

"oh come on, old man." hoseok teased, linking their arms as he pulled the elder along. "can we go to build-a-bear first?" hobi asked - eager to see jimin's gift being made.

yoongi folded, agreeing as the two of them entered the shopping mall. they made their way to the upper floor before entering the build-a-bear.

"i feel stupid." yoongi muttered, him and hoseok being the only adults not accompanied by children.

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