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"so you didn't tell me why you were crying." yoongi reiterated as he drove, eyes shifting to jimin for a moment as the boy sniffled.

"hyung was just asking about peach and i got sad." he replied glumly. "i guess i'm not over it yet."

how could he be? peach was his life.

"it's okay." yoongi reassured, sounding a little more sure this time as he flashed a small smile.


"really." the elder reassured. "even if things don't feel the greatest now, they'll get better."

jimin wiped his eyes. "thank you hyungie." he murmured, voice a little shaken as yoongi hummed.

"did the others like the candle?"

with the new topic, jimin's demeanour immediately changed, the happier boy returning as he nodded. "i'd like to think so!"

"you'd like to?" yoongi asked, a bit confused by his statement as jimin let out a small laugh.

"jin-hyung said he liked it, and that's really all i need. if jin-hyung approves, that's all that matters."

yoongi couldn't help but let out a chuckle, parking the car as he looked at jimin. "i bought you some snacks at the store."

"i love these! how'd you know?" jimin asked, curled up on the couch in his dinosaur pyjamas as yoongi brought him the bag of cinnamon twists.

"lucky guess." the elder replied, ruffling jimin's hair gently. he then furrowed his brows as jimin spread his arms wide. "what's that for?"

"it's called a hug, hyungie." he said as he stood, standing on the tips of his toes to wrap his arms around yoongi's neck. instinctively, yoongi's arms found themselves wrapped around the mochi's small waist; looking away from the boy as his milky cheeks heated up. "thank you for the yummy snacks, yoongi-hyung!"

"you're welcome." yoongi replied, still not looking at the boy before his sweet laughter could be heard. "huh?" he asked, looking down at the giggly boy.

"you look like a tomato."

yoongi rolled his eyes and let go of jimin, making the boy only laugh more as the elder made his way into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

as he came back into the livingroom, jimin had shifted to sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table - colouring books and crayons spread across the table.

"what's that?" yoongi asked, sitting on the adjacent couch as he opened his water.

"i like to colour sometimes." jimin explained, very short and sweet as he focused on the picture.

it was hello kitty on a bike.

"cute." yoongi mumbled, a small smile on his lips.

"what was that?" jimin asked, turning to look at yoongi which only made the elder blush.

"oh, nothing."

yoongi tossed and turned, unable to sleep. it wasn't raining, and it wasn't the fact that he wasn't tired - in fact, he was exhausted.

there was one thing on his mind, and that thing was park jimin.

for some reason, the boy swooped into his life and made himself a small home within yoongi's head. a house for his thoughts persay.

in the back of his mind, he was hoping the mochi had something new to be scared of, knowing that would lead him straight to -


yoongi sat up, clicking on his bedside lamp. his eyes adjusted to the dim warm light as it illuminated the room slightly.

"everything okay?" yoongi asked, watching jimin stand awkwardly by the door. the mochi immediatly nodded as he beamed, eyes melting into crescent moons.

"nothing's wrong!" he reassured the male, nodding vigorously. "i just can't seem to fall asleep." he added, adjusting the green dinosaur pyjama shorts he had on.

yoongi couldn't help but smile as he patted the space next to him. jimin seemed to become giddy, moving to crawl into bed as he sat next to the elder.

yoongi then got out of bed, making jimin frown. "where are you going?" he asked, his voice turning into a slight whine as he watched the elder leave the room - without a response.

yoongi entered the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard as well as a small bowl, filling the glass with milk and the bowl with a couple of the sweet cinnamon twists he'd gotten the boy earlier.

as he brought the snack back to the bedroom he handed jimin the bowl, elating the boy as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.

"thank you hyung." jimin cooed, eating one of the twists. "i didn't expect you to make me a bedtime snack."

yoongi placed the glass of milk down on the nightstand as he sat back in bed, leaning against the headboard. "sometimes when i can't sleep, it's because i'm hungry."

"are you hungry now?" jimin asked, making the elder scoff.

suddenly there was a cinnamon twist being tapped against yoongi's lips gently.

"say ah, hyungie~" yoongi only rolled his eyes before opening his mouth, letting jimin feed him. as he chewed he smiled, looking at the happy mochi.

"you know, peach is a good name." yoongi stated, finishing his twist as jimin raised his brows.

"you really think so?"

"yeah, it's cute. it would make a good pet name." yoongi added, handing jimin his glass of milk and taking the empty bowl, placing it on the nightstand.

jimin's cheeks began to heat up slowly as he thought about the remark. "h-hey," he stuttered. "can i tell you a secret?" he asked. yoongi nodded, quite curious about what the boy had to say. "this morning i was in your bed."

"i know."

"what?! how'd you know?" jimin asked, eyes wide as he sipped on his milk.

"i watched you leave."

"s-so that means y-you also-"

"watched you struggle to get out of my arms? yep." yoongi replied, a smug smirk growing on his lips as he watched jimin's face melt cherry red. "you know, if you wanted to cuddle you could've just asked."

yoongi then looked away, knowing exactly what he was doing. he might've had the smallest infatuation with the boy, making cuddling with him a treat for both jimin and yoongi - but more or less for yoongi at that point.

"r-really?" jimin asked softly, finishing his milk as yoongi nodded. the elder took the glass before stretching his arms forward with a yawn.

"i know it doesn't seem like it, but i'm not mean all the time." yoongi joked, making jimin gently slap his arm with a shy grin.

"you're one of the nicest people i know, hyungie." jimin giggled. he then looked up at the elder with his doe-like eyes. he wanted something. "speaking of asking for stuff. c-can i take you up on that cuddling offer maybe?"

"sure." yoongi replied cooly, inside he was excited, like a school boy asking his crush out for the first time. as he shut off the lamp, the room became dark. he laid down and immediately felt jimin's presence next to him.

he wrapped an arm around the mochi's waist, pulling him close so that jimin's back was to his chest. he then felt something unexpected - the feeling of jimin holding his hand.

"is this okay?" jimin asked softly, intertwining their fingers as he awaited a reply.

"yeah that's fine." yoongi replied softly, inhaling jimin's sweet citrusy scent as he laid with the boy. 'maybe his shampoo?' yoongi thought before hearing a soft huff from jimin.

the boy had already fallen asleep.

yoongi closed his eyes as well, humming quietly as sleep began to take over him. "night, peach." he muttered against jimin's ear, followed by the squeeze of the mochi's hand in his own.

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