LORE - Coffee Kingdom

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This is lore about the (idek) kingdoms and their ways, starting with the Coffee Kingdom lore.

Coffee Kingdom Code.

1. One must not fall in love / admire ANYONE from the Light Kingdom.
Punishment if not followed: Exile.

2. The only sort of magic that can be used is summoning spells, glyphs and coffee magic in general.
Punishment if not followed: Temporary Exile/Jail (freed in a week)

3. If the Prince/Princess is to fall in love with another Prince/Princess from the Light Kingdom, then they won't get exiled, as it's probably to make the kingdom grow.

4. If anyone is seen performing banned spells then they will face punishment.
Banned spells: Anything apart from summoning, glyphs and coffee magic. (Potions are also fine.)
Punishment: Execution.

Annual stuff

Everytime a new heir to the throne is announced, they have a celebration to honour the new heir.

Family Rules ig!

1. The eldest child would take over for the parents if both were to, yk, poof.

thats it oh god

Royal Rules.

1. The Prince/Princess HAS to marry by the age of 16.

2. The Prince/Princess will be next in line to be Queen/King, if there are multiple Princes/Princesses, then the oldest will be next in line.

3. If the Prince/Princess is caught breaking any of the kingdom rules, they will be demoted AND executed.

oh go

The Prince Of Light and his Bodyguard Coffee Mage [ ESPRESSO x MADELEINE ]Where stories live. Discover now