another family dinner, another disaster

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I was over at Becca's with Paige later that night after my run in with the alien.

It was all over the news like always with me being the top story.

It was something I never got used to, that I was the most reported person, ever. Whenever I got on my phone I was everywhere.

The new stories or news clips always ranged from my save, fail, or they are trying to figure out who is really behind the mask.

I still wore Marshall's hoodie as my burns never went away. They were slowly but surely fading away. He was with us but he had to leave early as he had a football dinner to go to.

Since Addy and Kayla left for college it's been weird without them. But then again I didn't get to hang with them that much near the time they left because of the Multiplex stuff.

It really had constricted my life and I never realized it, I was smarter now. Hoping that right now there wouldn't be someone to save or anything.

I did limit myself to only alien attacks and not anything less than that. I didn't involve myself in normal affairs, just the alien kind.

I didn't need my life to be any more chaotic than it is.

"Guardian stopped another alien," Paige announced, showing an article to us. Becca turned on her tv after that.

We always watched my sister's news station and she usually reported on me, ironic isn't it?

Victoria was explaining his abilities and how I managed to thwart another alien this week. "Alien attacks are still continuing to increase at an alarming rate as Guardian races to stop them. Landon North was seen communicating with the Guardian afterwards. It is rumored that the police force and Guardian are working together. Alongside these increasing attacks more human protesters are taking to the streets to voice their opinion."

The screen went on to show clips of the protests, some turned violent and some peaceful. Humans were angry that aliens were attacking and disrupting the city. This was either peaceful or they attacked an alien on the street.

For me it was hard to watch, I was an alien but I grew up thinking I was human. I feel for both sides but when each side attacks it makes everything worse.

"It's going to be a war between both sides," Paige said sadly.

I did agree with her, the way all this was heading was not good. But I couldn't help but think some of it was orchestrated by the one alien who said 'He said you would be here'. It unsettled me but then again anyone would know I would be there as Guardian because I just am.

I just think that it's weird he went out of his way to say that and it just feels off. Everything about this feels off.

I mean I knew that everything might be bad after the Multiplex stuff but it has gotten so much worse.

"Maybe if the aliens just didn't attack in the first place we wouldn't be here," Becca said but she paused, "But humans shouldn't be attacking either. It's all just a mess."

Paige gripped Becca's pillow like she was scared. I mean who wouldn't be, an alien could attack at any moment.

People were scared I might not be there, well Guardian might not be there. And they are totally right. Maybe one day I wouldn't be able to make it to save someone.

There is always that chance again, it's part of the job. I wasn't able to save Hayden but I can try to save others.

Becca's head turned to me, "What does your family think about all this Leah?"

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