falling for him

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Marshall and I decided to meet at the safe house and go to the ball together. While I was waiting on him I slipped on one of my mom's old dresses.

The dress was strapless, it was a light baby blue. All down the dress were fake flowers and the center of them was silver glitter. Along the top were little embellishments of leaves with some glitter. It had a long train and I was going to need Marshall's help with it.

I felt like I was somewhat over dressed but Atlas had said ball gown attire and this was one of my mom's ball gowns.

I found some of my mom's old jewelry and I found baby blue crystal earrings that dangled from my ears. The same thing was on a few rings that I wore.

I was also not used to wearing heels so I practiced walking down the hallway and back. It was hard with the train and I almost tried to swap out dresses but I remembered how hard it was to get in this dress.

"Wow," Marshall said behind me and I had to pick up the train to turn around.

Marshall's hair looked curlier today and a bit more styled. On normal days he just rolled out of bed and whatever this hair looked like that's what he went with.

He wore an all black tux with a little blue in the pocket to match me. The tux fit him right in all the right places, you could see the leanness of his abs and the way you could see his muscles through it. I have always loved the way Marshall looked. And this was even better.

"Wow in a good way?" I asked quietly, blushing hard.

He moved closer and revealed a box he had in his hands and handed it to me, "In the best way."

I took the box and opened the small bow that was keeping the box closed. Inside the box was a small crown. It was silver and it had leaves curling inward. In the middle were delorian crystals. They were the most beautiful ones I have seen yet because they changed all different shades of blue depending on your angle. "Where did you get this?"

He took it from my hands and placed it on top of my head. I adjusted it to fit right after he placed it on my head. The metal was cold but it fit perfectly. "I found it in boxes downstairs one night. I wanted to surprise you with it when the time was right. I think there might be more but that one was protected well."

I touched it feeling the crystal and its own power that radiated through it. "Thank you, I love it."

He moved to my back and fixed the train of my dress so we could walk outside to wait.

I played with my curled hair making sure it felt and looked okay. I was making a big first appearance in front of aliens and I wanted to look okay.

I had a legacy to uphold and I didn't want to mess it all up.

A portal opened up and Odessa's head peeked through. Her bright orange hair and slim green dress came through. "Come on."

Marshall and I stepped through and the portal closed behind us. We were officially on Atlas and Odessa's planet.

The gravity of this planet felt more weighed down than I did on Earth. It was a weird feeling.

Marshall fixed my train and Odessa turned to me. I hadn't seen her since everything happened. She looked better, happier. I could only imagine how she felt being away from her father and being with Atlas.

"How are you?" She asked me, crossing her arms.

"I'm doing okay, you?" This felt extremely awkward.

"Better. Thank you."

I only nodded, "Atlas down there?"

She pointed to the stairs, "You will see him front and center on the throne. His dad is letting him have a trial run thing tonight. You will join me down there while everyone else finishes coming in. You will be last to enter. You are his special guests."

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now