the best thing for now

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My entire body was on fire and my wound hurt really bad. I limped my way back to the media room and I opened the door leaning on it.

Becca and Paige held their guns up to me immediately and sighed with relief when they saw it was me. They dropped their guns and rushed over to me, engulfing me into a hug.

I coughed out as they squeezed my aching body. They released quickly as they heard I was in pain.

"What happened?" Paige asked.

"Omega and his bitches."

"The guy behind all the stuff happening right now?" Becca questioned.

I nodded and got out of my suit. I still held onto guns and Becca and Paige helped me outside.

Once we got out they released their grip from me. We held our hands up as we exited the school and I could see Landon towards the front.

We still had our guns in our hands. I dropped them when I saw Landon running for me. He picked me up into a hug and my wound tugged at the gesture.

He squeezed me tight not letting go and he held me with everything he had in him. He let go of me looking over my body to make sure I was okay.

"I thought I lost you... you just weren't coming outside-"

"I'm okay. I'm sorry I scared you."

He grabbed the guns we had and he pushed me along, "Let's get you checked out just in case."

"I said I'm okay... Guardian came in and saved us. She told us to go outside."

"She was here?"

"She saw me and said you were out here and it was safe to go out, I don't know if she told others to or not."

I did forget to tell people, I was too worried about my own friends and to make it to them. Landon grabbed his walkie and led me to the rest of my friends.

"I'll be back okay," Landon ran off and I searched for Paige and Becca.

Where did they run off to? I pushed through the crowds of people and made it to the edge where River, Becca, Paige, and Mars were standing.

Mars did a double take when he saw me, I don't think it registered that it was me until the second time he looked. He immediately rushed over to me and picked me up into a hug. He kissed my neck softly.

"I was so worried, those guys they were here for aliens and you weren't out here and-"

I cut him off with a kiss on his lips and his hands immediately placed onto my hips. My hand rested on his chest as I pulled away, "Omega was here. He wanted something and one of his guys shot me. Becca had to pull out the bullet."

"Jesus, where?" I unzipped the jacket and lifted my shirt and he jerked away at the sight. I zipped up my jacket. "So they know?"

"They know."

"Now we don't get to share this little secret."

"It will always be our secret. I wouldn't dare tell them anything they didn't need to know. They worry too much and I couldn't handle that. It's still going to be us."

"Good I like it that way," Marshall wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him again.

I fell into his touch and my aching body just relaxed in his arms. He rubbed my neck with his hand.

Marshall just knew everything I needed. That is why I like him so much.

I never had to ask him for anything. The man just knew.

"Leah," Becca's voice floated near us and Marshall pulled away standing next to me. He was being really protective as his hand rested on my side.

His hand relaxed when he saw it was Becca and Paige.

"Is your bullet wound okay?" Becca unzipped it and unwrapped some of the tape and revealed it. The cold air hit it and I tensed up.

Becca wrapped it back up, "I can help you stitch it if you want?"

I was going to have to stitch it, it wasn't healing like I had hoped. I looked up to Marshall and he nodded.

"I owe you both some answers, later we can all meet up and we can talk."

"Marshall knows?" Paige whispered.

"Marshall knows," Marshall confirmed.

Landon started jogging over to us and he had mom and dad with him.

"I'll text you guys yeah?"

I kissed Marshall's cheek and mom and dad came running up to me.

Like everyone else they wrapped me in hugs and mom was scanning everywhere making sure I was okay.

Mom and dad had been crying and I could see it. I felt so bad because I know what they thought.

The call could have been another Hayden situation. And another one of their kids would be dead in a matter of months.

It made my chest tight thinking about it, I could have died today if I wasn't careful. I needed to think more than just go.

I was better with my power but I didn't use it in the right way with my brain.

They took me home and I slid into bed taking a nap until I had to meet everyone at the safe house.

Becca stitched me up better than I ever could, she had an amazing steady hand when she wasn't shakingly nervous.

Marshall held my hand through it all.

It felt insanely nice to tell my friends everything. I was so worried about what they might think of me instead of how good it would be to tell them.

It was a weird feeling for them to know, I mean they knew everything even from my real parents to the Multiplex and Odessa stuff.

I made Becca and Paige swear they wouldn't tell anyone.

Becca especially with Asher. That was one I wanted to tackle on my own eventually.

They were insanely good about it all, they let me explain everything and never interrupted me. They asked questions one at a time not letting one or the other trip over their words.

They asked about Omega and I got to tell them about Elliot and everything. I spared most of the details but they knew enough.

I didn't know how safe it was for them to know but I know it's the best thing for now. 

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now