stop telling lies

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The plan: Hit Omega where it hurts. The heart.

I was going to use my real identity to my advantage for the first time. It was the only plan I had but I could only hope it would work.

I looked around to my family and friends who were getting ready to leave or stay put. I walked over to Marshall.

"You going to be okay?" I asked Marshall.

"I should be asking you that," I fixed Marshall's shoulder strap.

Marshall peeled his hands away from me, "Don't worry about me. Just focus on Omega." He kissed the top of my head letting me go.

I walked over to Landon who was getting ready to leave with me, "Holler if you need me. We got this."

He held out his hand to fist bump me and I materialized my suit and put my mask on. I first bumped him back.

I was out into the city in seconds. When I was in the heart of the city where there was another machine making a swirl in the sky.

What was with villains and their machines?

I looked around to see aliens standing around in a standing state. Humans were also paralyzed. It must be the machine and my friends and family were going to be the same way. I didn't have to worry about them for now at least.

Up where the machine was held I could see Omega standing and watching what his creation was doing. I made my way up to the top of the building.

"Like what you see?" Omega asked.

"What is it doing?" I genuinely asked.

Omega turned around, "Releasing a toxin into the air paralyzing everyone. I will say I didn't take into account your mask."

"Can we talk?" I asked, yelling over the loud machine.

Omega laughed, "What is there to talk about?"

"Liam Legend."

Omega stopped everything, "What is there to say?"

"I know he wouldn't want you to do this."

"You didn't know him."

"I knew him enough."

"He died, you couldn't have."

I hesitated, "I did. I'm his daughter."

He turned around with anger in his eyes, "Stop telling lies!"

"I'm not lying," I said. I released my sword and his eyes grew wide at it. "I wasn't. He talked about you in one of my memories. He said you were his best friend. I realized you were him in that picture and that's what I tried talking to you about."

He drew his sword and lunged at me regardless. I ducked away from him and got out my bow and arrow. I drew it to shoot at the machine and he pushed me out of the way.

He managed to push me off the building and I was falling about to hit the bottom. I took my bow and arrow and stretched it to the machine. It hit dead center and sparks flew around it. I then switched and shot lightning out of my hands attaching it to the machine and flew myself up by it. My body went through the heart of the machine. It completely broke and I was falling down the backside of the building now.

I did the same move pulling myself back up to Omega kicking him off and catching his metal arm by my lightning. I pulled him up and knocked him down with a good punch to his metal face. I took his metal arm and detached it from his arm leaving him defenseless.

I hit him again in the face and kicked him in the side making him double over. I took a deep breath and picked him up by his shirt, shoving him down to the ground. He coughed and I took my sword to the machine one last time.

I turned back around holding it to him, "I thought you might have stopped when you found out who I was but I was wrong. He would be disappointed in you. I never lied to you. Everything I said before was true. I'm sorry he did this to you but if you loved him, please stop this."

He truly looked at me for the first time. Hurt flashed over his eyes. Hurt that I knew too well from my own parents finding out about what they had done.

He put his hands out for me to cuff, "I'm so sorry. I just was so angry, all these years he lived and had you?"

"He abandoned me. But I think he might still be alive."

"If he ever comes back, will you tell him to visit me? I'd like to hear everything come from him."

"I will," I cuffed his hands and held him up to be taken to prison.

"You look like them both. Personality and all."

"So I've been told," I took him down to Landon.

I couldn't say anything else to Omega, even though he hurt me I don't think I could hurt him anymore.

He thought he lost his best friend who hurt him in the process. And he had no idea about me.

Another wonder to have that maybe if he knew he wouldn't have ended up like this. He was so angry and I knew I would never have that anger. It almost made me kill Odessa once, and I never want that feeling again.

Omega was just broken, and I wish I had realized it sooner. I just wish I wasn't so blind to it all.

"We were frozen," Landon said, taking him.

I nodded, "I know. Where is everyone?"

"Over there, mom is tending to some people and dad is going to make a speech," Landon pointed in the other direction.

I walked over to the crowd of humans and aliens alike and stood amongst them.

"People of Starlight City, today we have witnessed another attack upon our own people. A person, Omega, who put each one of us against each other. He used our own fears and weaknesses to get his agenda across and we blindly did that. As mayor I want to in the future make this city better for humans and aliens alike. We have our own superhero who I hope won't leave us while we still face these threats. After all these are our neighbors, friends, families, and colleagues. Omega has now been taken into custody thanks to Guardian who saved us once again," my dad pointed to me and everyone turned around and clapped for me.

I raised my hand awkwardly, taking the compliment. He went on to talking but I decided to leave and stand next to my friends as Leah not Guardian.

Marshall smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist, "You did it."

"I did. He was weak and broken. I just used my power and got into his head I think," I shrugged.

Marshall tugged me close, "You still did it. What now?"

"I don't know. Hopefully some peace and quiet."

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now