i love you

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 Marshall carefully led me back to the floor and his hands snaked their way around pulling me in close.

My hands felt shaky as they went around his neck. He pulled me close and we danced slowly. He was taking his time with me, and taking in every inch of me.

"You look so beautiful tonight," Marshall whispered.

My eyes closed tightly with his words. Oh he was going to be the death of me. Every part of me.

"You do too- I mean you look great!" I just stopped talking after that because I felt like an idiot.

Marshall's hands stayed steady while I was nervous out of my mind.

He smirked, I know he did by the way he made his words sound, "Thank you."

I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on top of mine.

"I could stay like this forever," I whispered to him.

"Me too."

"I need to tell you something."

If I was nervous now, I was even more nervous. God what was he going to say?

What did he want to say?

"I love you. You don't have to say it back but I love you," He pulled away to meet my eyes. I lifted my head to see him. God he wasn't beautiful he was gorgeous. Out of all things he was the best thing in my life.

He cupped my cheek, "I love you more than a friend. I love you more than anything in this world. I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I have loved you since I knew I could love you. And I don't care that I am saying I love you too early because I do. You don't have to love me back."

I took his hand in mine and I pulled him through people to get to a hallway. I pulled him into a room and pushed him against the wall and shut the door behind me.

I don't know what I am doing but it just feels right. I didn't want anyone sharing this moment with us. I let my hands go to his cheeks and I pulled him slowly close to my lips. He pulled me in when he realized where I wanted this to go.

Our lips finally touched, he was slow and took his time but I was hungry. I never felt like this when I kissed Atlas.

How could I?

It was always Mars.

He was the one and I was just too blind to see it.

My hands went to his curly hair and he groaned into my lips moving his hands along my waist. He pulled me so I was against the wall now.

He tilted my head so he could start kissing my neck. He was going up and down to reach right below my ear and to my collarbone.

I grabbed his arm as he had to take a breath. We were both breathing really loud. I wanted to kiss him again. I didn't want him to stop kissing me back. And I sure as hell didn't want him to stop touching me.

"Kiss me again," I begged and he didn't hesitate to kiss me again.

This time it was fast, not slow and he let his hands move all along my body.

"We should go find Atlas-" Mars started to say but I cut him off with another kiss.

"Can't he wait?"

"As much as I would love to keep doing this, we have been gone for a while," he let his hands fall into my hair.

"Fine. We are doing more of this later," I moved my finger pointing between us.

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now