everything was my fault

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I immediately ran into the building and found Becca and Paige on the ground.

"Oh god please," I checked their pulses and they coughed awake.

"Leah," Paige groaned out.

I hauled them both over my shoulders and sped them out onto the street.

I sped around to check on Addy and Kayla. They were more awake than Becca and Paige were. Their eyes lit up when they saw my glowing eyes.

"You guys okay?" I asked, trying to extinguish the flames.

I think they were too shocked by my reveal and the fact that this place was in flames. I materialized by suit and took them out into the street with Becca and Paige.

I went back inside and grabbed River and other people. When I went back in for the final time I couldn't find Marshall and Asher.

I started shaking really bad and ran around like my head was cut off.

I ran over to Kayla and Addy who were holding Becca and Paige. "Where is Mars and Asher?"

"They were in there when it exploded. We couldn't see anything until you showed back up," Addy explained.

I slipped off my hood and combed over my hair. I went back inside and they weren't there.

"GUARDIAN!" I heard Kayla's voice scream.

I ran back outside and in the street Omega was standing there and in both of his hands were Marshall and Asher.

I ran over there unleashing my power and it just deflected off. He had a force field up that I couldn't penetrate.

I banged on it, clawed on it, and nothing. I couldn't get through. Marshall was bleeding from his head and Asher looked like he had broken his arm.

"Hello Guardian, today we are going to play a game," Omega announced.

I was trying everything while he was talking. I used every power I had at my disposal and nothing.

"The game is, you are going to choose who lives and dies. I hand selected these two for you. So who will it be?"

"LET THEM GO!" I cried out.

"Choose Guardian."


"Tick tock Guardian."

"Please don't do this," I choked out.

I could hear the police sirens a mile away and they would be here.

Omega cracked his neck and held onto Marshall and Asher tighter, "If you won't choose I will."


I had no idea what to do. I was outsmarted. I was outpowered.

"Last time I ask. CHOOSE!"

I was crying at this point and put my hands up slamming them onto the ground seeing if that would do anything.

Omega drew his silver hand and it transformed into a sword. He drew it up ready to pick.

"PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I crooked otu letting my voice crack.

I could see Landon hop out of his car and look at what mess I was in.

He took the sword and drifted it to each one. He did this twice before he landed onto Asher. Asher groaned out as he knew it was going to be him.

I was going to lose another sibling. I couldn't do it again. I couldn't feel powerless, I couldn't do this.

He took it to Asher and then switched to Marshall stabbing him through the chest and back out again.

Unspoken Legacy (Unspoken Trilogy #2)Where stories live. Discover now