This fanfic was created by Me and my bestie Lexi! Keep in mind that if you see Me or I that means basically me known as K is talking because this fanfic is being written and published on my/K's phone!
Anyways TW there may be some parts that can pos...
Later when most of the countries went home left some countries but not as many.
Germany was left sitting next to Poland on the couch, Poland was talking with Russia. Germany kept zoning out because of how tired he was. He looked over to his right and saw Japan looking at South Korea while he was talking to her.
"German want drink?" Germany looked over at Russia after he called his name.
"Want drink?"
"Uh sure, what you have?"
"Vodka dumb bitch"
"Du have no Bier?" Russia stood up and walked to the kitchen where Japan and South Korea were.
"Niemcy, you sure?"
"Ja? I was asked if I wanteds to, and a drink wouldn't be bads"
"Do you have to drink?"
"I mean Ich don't haves to but I choose to"
"Dobra..""*okay..*" When Russia walked back in the room he had some beer with him, Germany noticed it was a slightly old one and the writing was some what scratched off but he could still see the words 'Duetsh Bier''*German beer*'
"Здесь, japan had some in her kitchen closet""*here,*"
"How did she gets this?"
"не спрашивай меня""*don't ask me*" Russia handed Germany the beer and Russia had his vodka in his other hand.
"Danke" Poland put his hand over the German Beer.
"po prostu nie pij za dużo""*just don't drink to much*"
"Ich werde nicht""*i wont*" Germany held up the beer and drank some, he didn't want to worry Poland to much so he sat the beer down and took some sips now and then.
It was some time later, more and more countries left as the time went on. It only left Russia, America, Japan, Germany, Poland, Kazakhstan, Canada, and Ukraine. Maybe a few more countries but that is all you could see.
Russia was talking about some stuff and Germany wasn't paying much attention. When he looked down he noticed the beer was almost done.
"Japan, do yous have any mores Beer?"
"Yes! I actually have one more" Japan walked over to the kitchen and walked around a corner making her seemed as if she disappeared.
"Niemcy, do you need more?"
"Nein, I just wants more"
"dobrze, tylko bądź ostrożny""*fine, just be careful"
"I wills Poland donts worry"
After the party Germany didn't want to stay anymore.
"Polan, können wir gehen?""*Poland, can we go?*"
"Jasne""*sure*" Germany started walking to the door when America asked where they were going.
"Where yall goin?"
"Niemcy and I are gonna head out"
"Ah okay"
When Poland and Germany were walking back Germany saw an old building in the woods but not deep enough but just close enough for him to see.
Poland noticed that Germany was looking at something not far from them.
"Niemcy? What you looking at?"
"Oh Ich see a weird building in the woods. I haven'ts seen it before" Poland looked over to the spot where Germany was looking.
"Co to jest""*What is that?*"
"Ich don't know" They walked towards it, they hadn't seen it there before.
When they got closer they noticed it looked a lot like a war bunker.
"This gives me a familiar vibe"
"Was?" Germany looked around the side and saw a broken window closer to the ground and noticed a sign above it.
"Polan, look" Poland walked closer to where Germany was standing then got some what of deja vu.
"This windows ist broken?"
"Hm?" Poland looked at the window that Germany was talking about and saw the old blood and rusty iron bars.
"gówno..""*shit..*" He recognized the window. It hit him. Poland ran. He didn't know where but he just ran in the first direction he saw.
"POLAN?!" Germany ran after him, he didn't want Poland to get lost. Germany knew the woods pretty well but not well enough.
Ha! I leave you on a cliff hanger! Ha, anyways yas I know it's a short chapter but trust me the next one won't be as short because I hate short ass chapters. Anyways go to PolandCHH (Lexis account) if you're confused. Also daily gerpol.
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