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"Help!!!" he heard a shriek of terror coming from, surprisingly, right under his window.
He grudgingly picked himself up from the cold ground to take a look out the window.

This wasn't a new thing.
He was already used to hearing the terrified shrieks of girls about to get robbed, girls about to get raped or girls whose 'heroic' boyfriends were getting the beating of their lives.

Tonight was no different and he was getting more agitated by this particular one.

This one didn't feel natural or ordinary to him.
The shrieking female didn't feel ordinary.
He felt a certain pull towards this one and it was unnerving.

"Quiet down you..." he swallowed his words immediately when he got hit by an intoxicating, choking release of power.

His normally colorless eyes had now turned pitch black with thin white pupils and he was pulled the more to the female now.

He looked down again to see a yound lady with brown hair, dressed in corporate attire.
She was currently struggling with a much larger man who was perched on top of her and was fighting to nestle himself between her legs.

"That's enough" came an unearthly, surprisingly silky voice.

The struggling pair looked up at the new figure that had come

"And you are?" the heavily muscled man sneered at the blind man.
"Are you her lover?" the blind man cocked his head to the side, placing his hands on his hips.

The girl looked at the young man who had responded to her cry for help and her heart sank at the sight of him. He was wearing red sweatpants and a green tank top. For one, the young man, although quite handsome, with long black hair that almost touched his lower back, was absolutely BLIND!

"Oh no" the girl mentally face palmed when she looked between her captor and her savior.
"What I do with this girl is none of your business, blind man" the bulky man sneered and used the distraction to fully settle himself between the thighs of the slender girl.
The girl had already been overpowered and was crying harder now, although silently.

The young man simply sighed.
"It became my business when the lady under you screamed for help. Now step aside before you regret it" the man growled
The bulky man let out a hoarse laugh.
"You have no fear or respect do you?" the big man chuckled mockingly
"Get off her" the blind man, getting agitated, ordered the bulky one.
He wasn't so big but he was definitely tall, as far as the girl could see. He was made up of lean muscles but his posture was one of a much more muscular man and he looked like he worked out a lot but it didn't affect his slight feminine touch.

"Make me" the big man sneered but the smaller man only smirked.
The smaller gave a confident grin and took a step forward towards the struggling pair.
Before the bigger man could process what the smaller meant by his confident smile, he had gotten a solid punch in the jaw and a kick in the gut, effectively dislodging the man from the girl's body.

The girl scrambled to get up from where she had been lying down and picked up her bag but didn't leave the alley for fear of being taken by the bulky man again.
"So you wanna be a hero ay?" the man wiped the blood that was dripping from his injured mouth.
"Leave before I do much worse" the blind man growled at the big man but the big man laughed a hoarse laugh and pointed behind the small man and the girl.

"Come'ere boys. This fellow needs some brain adjustment" the bulky man called out to the shadows in the alley and three hefty men came out to answer the call.
The girl was shivering where she stood behind her savior but the blind man wasn't the slightest bothered by or with how the situation had gradually escalated.
Infact, he seemed to be enjoying it now and it made the girl uneasy.

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