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"I'm on break sir... Yes I'll be there in time for the report, sir... Yes, he's the guy that helped me on Sunday night when I was on my way home... Yes sir... I think so... I will sir, thank you sir" Midnight ended the call, looking like a ripe tomato and Asheron cracked a small smile.
Midnight blushed a bit as she looked shyly at the blind man while Doom snickered and excused himself with the excuse that he had urgent business to attend to.

Asheron was fidgeting internally, being completely ignorant when it came to associating with people and to make matters worse, almost everyone outside had turned to look in his direction with looks of pity plastered on their faces at the sight of Midnight leading him to their table.
He had to stop his mind from hearing their annoying thoughts ranging from the usual, 'Oh no, he's blind' to the 'Pity, he would have been an excellent addition to the society', to the 'Damn he's hot, too bad he's blind' from males and females alike, and finally the 'I wish life had taken more pity on him to give him sight even if just partially and not take it all away' thoughts that he picked up from the surrounding people as he took a sit in front of Midnight.

He placed his shades on the small table between them and placed his elbows on the table while he tilted his head and tried to look at her based on the direction from which he'd heard her voice.
He'd never been on a date or ever been alone with anyone before apart from Doom and that was actually in their apartment.
Midnight had a permanent pink hue on her smooth skin and it made him want to reach out and touch so he bit his tongue instead.
He made a choking sound and Midnight lunged forward, holding his jaw and squishing his cheeks so she could look inside his mouth and she raised a brow when she noticed the blood pooling in his mouth and mixing with saliva as it spilled out.
"Why'd you bite your tongue?" she thought he was probably epileptic and was just about to get an attack.

Asheron swallowed the blood in his mouth, making the girl grimace, before he opened his mouth to talk.
"I wanted to touch your face but I don't really know if it's appropriate to do so on a first meeting so I bit my tongue to ground myself" Asheron answered honestly and cursed himself for it.
Normally he'd tell her to fuck off and then he'd teleport back to his apartment but something about this girl kept him from just disappearing.
"Oh" She stuttered and blushed some more.
"T-thanks for the, u-uh, c- consideration. You can touch my face if you want to" she said quickly and picked up the menu to hide her face. A smile made Asheron's face to twitch and Midnight peeked up and let out a cute almost chiming laugh at the sight of how scrunched up his face looked with the odd half smile half smirk thing he was doing.

  'Why the hell is she laughing?'

Asheron thought in alarm.

  'Do I have something on my face?'

He frantically rubbed on his face to check if he had something stuck on his face and wished more than anything to be back at home at the moment.
"We should probably order something. I'm gonna get a cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin or 5" she chuckled and called for a waiter.
They were sitting outside the restaurant under designated shades outside of the building for those that wanted to enjoy their meals in the open air. It was more of an exotic Cafe in Asheron's opinion because it served edibles that were mostly common to cafes and coffee shops.
Currently, they were seated in a far corner away from most people with a row or two away from where people were seated.
"What will you get?" Midnight asked, breaking his train of thoughts and he raised a brow at her. He sighed and waved a hand in front of his face.
"Can't see the menu, Mina" he said, as-a-matter-of-factly and went wide eyed when he realized the sentence that just flew out of his mouth.
"Sorry, I forgot. I'll order for you. What would you like?" she asked, giving him a small smile as she rubbed the back of her neck. Asheron smiled at her and told her that anything was fine by him.
"I like the nickname you gave me, by the way, it's kinda sweet" She blushed and reached across to pinch his heating cheeks and Asheron whined a bit at her playfulness and how she seemed to be endearing.
She dropped her hands and placed them beside his clasped ones on the table.

"You're too tense. Ease up. I don't care if you're self conscious or not, or whether or not you can see" she told him and his eyes widened at the fact that she was completely honest.
"Why? I'm blind, I'm not human and I have a nasty personality, as you saw that day. But you still wanted to see me" Asheron couldn't help but blurt out and his insides screamed at him for letting out those words.
"Well, I wanted to see my saviour in daylight and also properly thank him as well. But the fact that you came out to help me when I screamed despite the fact that you're blind and that you risked showing a human your - er- inhuman side?..." she blushed more
"... It showed me that you're actually more of a good person than you actually give yourself credit for and I like that about you. Plus, you're pretty cute if you ask me. Way too tall but super hot. I mean you're really handsome and even though non-humans are really good looking, I mean, look at your hair, and your outfit fits you like a glove. You're so dreamy an... "
" I like you as well" he cut her off and her eyes widened in realization.
"I am so, so, so, so, so, so sorry. I was rambling. I'm sorry if I talked too much and if I was being too blunt for your liking" she bit her bottom lip and made to pull her hands a away from Asheron's but he stopped her.
"I appreciate your honesty. I'm also quite blunt myself" he gave her a reassuring smile before pulling his hands from hers.

Just as they finished that exchange, their orders arrived.
Asheron got a small apple pie and a glass of juice, while Midnight got a cup of extra sweet coffee with cream and 3 blueberry muffins.
She nearly squealed in delight as she bit into her muffin.
She let Asheron have a taste of her muffins and also her coffee that made Asheron's face scrunch up in distaste at the near extreme sweetness but she scoffed at him.
He chuckled and asked her to taste his pie, asking her to eat as much as he liked because, according to him, he wasn't much of a fan of food in general. She snorted and took a bite of his pie, shuddering in delight at the sweet taste.

Of course, all good things must come to an end, and as such, Midnight's phone went off with a shrill sound blaring out from the speakers.
"Aww, c'mon" Midnight pouted like a child at her phone screen and Asheron raised a brow, finishing up his juice and surprisingly, his pie as well.
"What's the matter?" he inquired
"It's the shoot we're supposed to have tomorrow for the magazine we're putting out to the public on Sunday. The shoot's being moved to today, in like 45 minutes and I'm supposed to be there" she whined and Asheron chuckled
"Then go" he told her
"But I've still got like 30 minutes in my break to spend with you. At least let me get you home safe"
"It's okay. I'll find my way home" he picked up his shades and got up.
She bit her lip and he smiled again.
"Do you want me to accompany you to your shoot?" he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets, shades resting on top ofbhis head.
"I'd love that. Can you do it?"
"I'm always at home. I'm off work for a while so I'm free"
"Thank you so much" she jumped up and paid for their meal, giggling excitedly and kissing the waitress, who turned beet red at the gesture, on the cheek before clinging to Asheron and pulling him along with her again.

Asheron couldn't help but wish that it was his cheek that Midnight has kissed instead of the waitress'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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