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"I will do no such thing" Asheron snarled at his green haired friend that was lounging on the kitchen counter, with his hands crossed over his bare chest.
Doom merely lifted a brow and sat up straight on the counter he had been nearly lying on and tsked like he was chiding a child.
He'd known this demonic beast for as long as he could remember and he knew very well what his problems were.

"You will. It's the right thing to do, dummy" Doom tried gently this time and Asheron whined uncharacteristically like a child and Doom's lips perked up at the sound of the old beast whining.
"But I already gave her the impression that I'm not someone she should be around" Asheron huffed,turning away from the red eyed man.
"She's too sweet to avoid you. And better yet, she's been telling her friends and colleagues about you" Doom cooed, giving his friend a sly smile, wiggling his brows suggestively, but as usual, his very oblivious and naive friend didn't get it. Not one bit.
"She did what?!" Asheron growled, releasing a surge of magic that shook their apartment and made his growl echo like thunder.

"Not your secret, idiot. She kept telling people that she met a very handsome young man and makes heart eyes anytime she's talking about you" Doom explained, getting up to smack Asheron upside the back of his head to make his point about Asheron being an idiot.
Doom smiled at his friend who gave him a droll stare.
"Not happening" Asheron sighed and went to the livhng room to sit on floor close to the L-shaped couch they was pushed into a corner so the door could be more visible.
Doom followed his friend with an odd look in his face.
"I can't go" Asheron sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back against the couch.
"Why?" Doom asked his friend raising an eyebrow
"I'm blind, I have no sense of style or proper clothes and I'm not a very social being" Asheron sighed and curled up on the floor close to the couch.

"Get up and sit on the couch" Doom ordered and Asheron growled
"Make me" Asheron uncurled enough to snap his fangs at his friend in warning.
"I want to help you get ready. You're going to meet the pretty lady by Friday. You'll go to her office and you guys are gonna spend time together. Now get your fucking ass on the couch" Doom beamed at his friend, like he hadn't just threatened him, and Asheron jumped up, grabbing his friend by the throat and pinning him against the nearest wall while squeezing his throat.

He bared his elongated fangs and his eyes flashed black, his grip on the shadow beast's neck tightened ever so slightly.
Doom didn't as much as bat a lash at his taller friend's actions, he simply stared down at him.
He knew how to corner his friend and make him compliant.
The old beast had spent far too long wallowing in regret and self pity. He needed to go out into the world. He needed to learn the needful so his binds could come off at last. He needed to learn compassion and to know what affection felt like and he needed to show it as well.

"I will not humiliate myself by interacting with a pitiful civilization as that of the humans all because of a female human who according to you, happens to have 'an unnatural aura' around her" Asheron growled and unfurled his wings that's glistened in the light for added effect.
Doom's eyes flashed red and he held the hand around his throat, smirking
"You can't do much, Asheron. The Dark Bond keeps you in check" Doom smirked again and pumped shadow magic into his friend who hissed in annoyance.
A sonic boom resonated in the room and shook the barrier around the apartment as Asheron tried to Slash his friend with his wings. He howled in pain as the chains on his skin came alive and wrapped themselves around him, up to his neck and started pulling his arms down to cross in front of his chest.

The binds were still as annoying as they had been in the very beginning and Doom had to restrain himself from smirking at the wisdom of the Phoenix.

"You did that on purpose! You used your powers to trigger my maximum allowance because you know what happens if I reach my maximum allowance!" Asheron let out a roar that made Doom grateful for the barrier.
"You were bound for a reason. You need to learn the lesson that warranted the dark bond. Come out of the stupid shell of guilt and resignation. You're the devourer for fucks sake" Doom sighed, exasperated.
Asheron snarled at him and tried to lunge at him again but the chains pulled him down the more.
"I refuse to conform to the desires of Xervas. I do not obey any being. I'm contented with my prison. I FUCKING DESERVE IT!" Asheron growled out and hissed in pain. His eyes took on that eerie glowing again.

All these years had passed and his friend still didn't want to come out of the annoying shell of guilt and resignation that he'd put himself into.
All he wanted was to remain the hidden beast that he'd grown to become and it irked him and filled him with so much rage.
He was angry at how such a powerful creature had been reduced to nothing but a bound and blind prisoner.
But he would rather die than let ha friend remain like that.
He'd find a way to free hs friend, otherwise, what kind of friend would he be.

The chains pulled tight and brought him to his knees, tying down his wings and burning him in the process.
His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his mouth went slack as he threw his head back.
Doom winced at the pain his friend was going through and wanted to comfort him, but devourer was just too stubborn to listen or even learn a lesson.
Asheron needed to learn and he needed to learn sympathy and mercy as well.
Doom watched his fangs retract, the sharp wings slip back inside and his eyes reverted back to their unseeing state.

"Fine. You win" Asheron groaned and his body slumped before the chains glowed faintly and became tattoos again.
Doom smirked at his friend and extended a hand to help his friend up.
"Will you go to the girl?" Doom asked
"I'll go. What the fuck do I have to do to get ready?" Asheron growled out but his shoulders still slumped in defeat and Doom's smile got bigger.
"We've got so much work to do before you're ready to go anywhere" Doom smiled some more and Asheron winced.

"First, we'll work on your posture as best as we can and then we'll move to your hair and wardrobe..." Doom rambled on
Asheron looked at his friend and wondered how he ended up as a man when clearly, he should have been born as a woman.
A small smile tugged his lips as he sat up, watching his friend ramble in and on about fashion sense and what nots.
The burns on his body were healing gradually and he felt content with his friend's company.
He wondered why he needed any more companionship when Doom was more than enough for him.

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