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Friday came earlier than Asheron expected and he far from eager. Waking up a bound and eternally grumpy 3 century old beast was a very wrong and nasty idea but Doom was already known for making rather terrible choices such as, to name a few, love interests, work choice and gender.
Asheron swore through out the entire 'makeover' ordeal that Doom must have either been a woman in his past life or that Doom had to be a girl under those skintight pants and well fitted shirts.

Doom had somehow managed to tame his usually unruly hair and straighten it before braiding some strands back and putting the hair in a pony tail but still letting the long bangs frame his face and cover his left eye
'Typical vain shadow beast'
Asheron groaned as the hunter applied what he'd called 'kohl' to his eyes but Asheron was pretty sure it was eyeliner even though he said nothing.
Next came his ears with the empty holes around the membrane that Doom insisted on filling up with studs and tiny thick hoops. His left ear was pierced almost all the way around while the right was pierced only half way.
He'd been taught how to sit straight, stand straight, hold out his hand for a lady to take and overall being a gentleman as well as how to use cutlery without his eyes.


Asheron sighed and straightened back up from his slouching position but he wasn't happy despite all the 'modifications'.
Here he was, standing outside the apartment building where he and Doom lived - as suggested by his green haired friend - , wearing a pair of tight black low ride jeans that accentuated his long lean legs and showed a bit of his v-line, a fitted long sleeved white shirt they Doom had raised a bit at the front to show off the black belt around his hips that had a snake head as it's buckle and decoration.
He was also wearing a pair of black boots to finish his attire.
He felt exposed looking like 'Doom' quite literally and he'd struggled to stay calm but his eyes darted around nervously while his shaking hands tried not to crush the dark shades he was currently holding.

He was waiting for Doom to come out and lead him to where the girl - Midnight - worked and he wasn't really comfortable with being watched by the numerous eyes that happened to glance his way as they walked on the street.
"I'm here, sweetie
Let's go" Doom hollered, rushing to meet his friend, boots clicking on the concrete ground.
Asheron merely sighed and put on the dark shades he'd been holding.
Keeping a hand firmly on Doom's shoulder, Asheron and his friend walked down to where Midnight worked, Doom giddy about leading, of course.

Titan Magazines, Fashion and Modeling stood out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the other establishments around the area, some 3 or 4 blocks from Asheron's place.
TMFM death with fashion magazines and models. They were at the top when it came to modeling clothing lines because they virtually had the most photogenic models in the country and also models for any clothing line, be it teen, children, old and even clothes for pregnant women - as weird as that sounds- and their magazines were amazing aw well, even though Asheron would never read the magazine.
And this was where Midnight worked as the P.A/Secretary to the boss and owner of the company, Mr Jonathan D. Titan. A burly man with thick muscles and the height of a Greek god, towering over many people with his height of 7ft7, and Asheron smirked at the thought of someone actually as tall as or taller than him.

He fidgeted as he and Doom stood in the reception and he was tempted to just dash back home because he wasn't used to socializing or even being in a public place. He spent his days mostly curled up on the couch or on the floor and maybe the bed whenever Doom was home with him.
"She'll be down in a minute" the receptionist smiled and said to Doom and winked at him as he slid a piece of paper on the desk, a paper which the receptionist quickly put under her desk.
Asheron had long since changed his eyes to his demon eyes and was watching the people around like a hawk but doing it subtly so as not to attract attention to himself and to also keep up his blind man persona.
"What are you smiling about?" Asheron asked quietly.
"No reason" Doom smirked more and Asheron sighed.
"I saw what you did with the receptionist" Doom sighed and looked incredulously at his ever observant friend.
"Stop being weird. Loosen up. I'm getting lucky tonight" Doom teased his friend and leaned on his shoulder as they sat on one of the couches available in the reception.
"Do you ever think with you head and not you cock?" Asheron turned to his friend but looked the wrong way to avoid arousing suspicion.
"Yeah. Like when I got you to accept a date with Midnight. Think of my hooking up with the receptionist as a reward for my good deed" Doom gave a toothy grin and relaxed more but this time, he was leaning in the backrest of the couch.
Asheron merely sighed and murmured some thing along the likes of how Doom would have been pregnant multiple times if he were a girl and Doom let out a hearty laugh.

Barely 5 minutes later, the ginger appeared in the reception, dressed in black and white striped sneg dress pants, a long sleeved white shirt and white heels, and all but ran to meet Doom with the brightest smile that Asheron had ever seen in his miserable life.
"You really came" she nearly squealed but Asheron was more concerned about how she didn't fall and break her neck despite the death trap on her legs which Doom had called heels and elbowed him gently to stop the blind beast from gawking.
She gave Doom a big hug that he happily returned and picked her up to spin her around before placing the giggling girl back on the floor.
"Any thing for you, Ginger. This is my friend, Asheron" Doom said to her, pulling said male into a side hug and Asheron had to return his eyes back to their unseeing state.
Midnight smiled and hugged Asheron, making his breath hitch in his throat.
She was short, just up to his shoulders where Doom managed to reach him but her head was level with his shoulders, definitely because of the heels, while her face was directly in front of his throat and his left eye twitched a bit before he got a kick in the shin as a signal to hug back.

The girl felt so small and fragile in his arms as he hugged her carefully, in comparison to how she held him, for fear that he might accidentally hurt her.
"Thank you for the other night. I appreciate it" she squeezed tighter and Asheron brought up a hand to run-through her hair that was let down her back, almost going past her pert ass.
He let her rest her weight on him, while he leaned down over her and caught a whiff of her hair when his nose landed on her head.
The hands on her waist, his hands, seemed to tighten and he blushed, eyes going wide in shock.
He let go of her and she did same, wringing her hands in front of her.
He reached Forward, ignoring his blush to feel in front of her for her hands but was met with a chest with a well rounded swell and he withdrew his hand as though burnt, shifting his gaze to the floor.
Now it was the girl's turn to blush, none of them moving or looking at each other but Doom was 'aww' ing at the sight.

Asheron couldn't understand why he could not bring himself to look at her with his demon eyes, rather he felt the need to just be real with her.
"I'm on my lunch break now and it's for about an hour and a half. So we can have lunch together" Midnight gave a broad smile and took Asheron's hand, while dipping her free hand in a pocket of her pants to pull out her phone, pulling the tall man behind her while Doom laughed his head off and walked behind them, throwing the receptionist one last flirty look before walking out.

Asheron wondered what he'd gone and put himself into as he walked behind the short girl, letting himself get pulled by a petite human who had somehow managed to capture most of his attention.

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