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"Asheron, I'm back!" Doom called out as he ushered himself into the apartment he shared with Asheron.
He waited for a response but he heard nothing but a faint groan coming from a corner in the living room area of the small apartment.
"Asheron, is that you?" he asked cautiously as he summoned his sword in his left hand and readied a blasting spell in his right hand.
He sucked in a breath when he saw it was just friend lying down.
"Asheron! What the fuck happened to you?" he quickly banished his sword and blasting spell and ran to cradle his injured friend.

On Asheron's body were multiple burns, some nasty cuts and around him was a little puddle of blood.
He coughed out some more blood and rolled onto his side, away from his yelling friend.
"What happened, man?" the greeneth asked
"Helped... Girl... Got burnt... Binds..." Asheron managed to wheeze out for his friend.

"Did you know the girl?" Doom asked, picking up his friend and helping him to his feet.
He had one arm wrapped around Asheron's waist, while the other kept Asheron's good arm around his (Doom's) shoulder.

"No. Her aura called out to me" Asheron explained as his friend led him up the stairs.
"How? Was she a demon or some creature?" Doom was perplexed.
He wanted to know more but he couldn't risk it with his friend's injured state.
"Can I heal you?" Doom asked, already knowing what his friends answer would be but still attempting to help.
"Don't touch me" Asheron hissed at his friend.
"Idiot" Doom growled at Asheron for once again refusing help.
Ever since he got bound by Xervas, he'd been too adamant to accept help from anyone.
"Just leave me alone" he sighed and rolled over on his side.
Doom sat for over two hours, watching as the wounds on his friend's back began to slowly heal while the flesh smoothed over as best as his hindered abilities would let him.

The mental agony of the devourer before him was suffocating but he had no say nor business in the matter and it was irritating to him.
It wasn't Asheron's fault, but he got bound and his powers were shredded to very uneven halves. Not only could he not transform the fully, and whenever he managed to transform fully, he couldn't use his beast form for too long and to top it, his healing speed was just as much as a human only a tad bit faster.

Doom sighed and left his sulking friend alone in the room so he could make something for them to eat.
He didn't let his friends sour mood affect him and he put on the mp3 player in the kitchen.
Small speakers lined the walls of the house and were in every room but Doom used his magic to make sure that only the speakers in the kitchen blasted loud rock music into his ears.

He moved, swung his hips and bopped his head to the beat of the music as he seasoned strips of chicken to fry for the fried rice dish he just came up with.
He moved with much fluidity to mimic water and it was quite a feat for a warrior to be able to move so fluidly.

He smirked as he watched his food take shape and he let the aroma flood the house, hoping that Asheron would have to come out, to eat at least, even a little bit.

Doom's theory was tested when Asheron limped out and took a seat in the dining area for the meal Doom had prepared.
They ate in silence save the sounds of Asheron's bones and body healing and his occasional painful hissing.

They finished dinner and Doon let Asheron do the dishes while he put the left overs in the fridge.
"I'm going out, Asheron. Make sure you get some sleep. Like a normal person" Doom warned and Asheron raised a brow before sighing and nodding.
"Great. I'll be back by tomorrow" Doom beamed and left, picking up his sword and putting it in its leather sheath that was attached to the holster on his belt and strapped tightly to his waist.
Asheron sighed and left to go to bed.
He knew that sleeping would help his wounds heal better.
He also knew that Doom only meant well and that he was his first and only friend.
He sighed and made his way to his room. He looked towards his bed and sighed before curling up on the floor, with his wings as coverings.

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