Chapter 17: Battle at Sea Part 2

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3rd Person POV

Midway Atoll, 6:40 AM

(Song: Attack On Midway from Midway)

The sun hung high in the sky, huge fat clouds dotted the sky, and down below on the ocean was the island of Midway an American naval and air base claimed by the US after Pearl Harbor. The Marines and base personnel stationed on the base were going about their day enjoying the peace, quiet, and relaxing atmosphere the small island had to offer.

Unknown to them a fleet of 18,000 ships held their position about 50 miles away from the island but it wasn't the ships that were the main concern, it was the thousands and thousands of dragons flying towards the base.

The air fleet of beasts entered a large cloud and exited out through the other side and laid eyes on the suns rays shining down on the base.

Two soldiers stood in a guard tower looking out towards the sea, one of the soldiers kept a rifle in hand watching the sea and the other looked through binoculars. The lenses scanned through the ocean surface seeing nothing, he aimed the binoculars up and nearly soiled himself upon seeing the dragons. Wasting no time, the solder dropped the binoculars and leaned over the edge of the watch tower.

"THEIR COMING, MONGOLS ARE COMING!!" the soldier screamed at the top of his very lungs, a nearby soldier heard the scream and grabbed a hold of an air raid siren. Slowly spinning the handle that got faster and faster, a loud siren rang through out the entire base alerting everyone of the incoming threat. Soldiers grabbed a hold of their weapons and pilots scrambled to their planes.

Soldiers manned M1919s, Bren Guns, Vickers Machine Gun, MG-34s, and M2s other aimed their guns at the sky staring at the massive flock getting larger and larger. Two trios of A6M zeros and Supermarine Spitfires took off from the airfield with enough time for the planes to prepare themselves for battle. On a small bunker Hollywood Producer and Chief of the Field Photographic Branch of the Office of Strategic Services, John Ford aimed his rolling camera at the incoming dragons.

When the dragons were close enough the first bullet was fired and a rain of bullets followed, every gun aimed at the flock of dragons let loose and immediately hundreds of dragons fell dead. But thousands more filled their spots and rain down fire on the base, soldiers caught in the explosions died on impact. The planes from before sprayed into the flock downing hundreds as well and broke formation and engaged. The dragons attacked the hangars and exploded the bases fuel tanks, the B-17s parked on the airfield burst into flames as the dragons fireballs tore through the fuselage.

Gunfire and explosions sounded all over the base, body after body of dragons fall and body after body of American soldiers fall.

The USS Yorktown

Chester W. Nimitz sat in the Yorktown's bridge with working sailors' eyes peeled on the ocean and sea. "Admiral sir, message from the Midway Atoll... I really think you should read it" a radio operator told the fleet Admiral who raised an eyebrow curiously, taking the paper from the radio operator he examined the paper.




Nimitz stared at the paper for a moment then began making orders, "The Mongols are currently attacking Midway, start prepping squadrons and I mean every Dauntless and Vindicator on aboard this ship and the Hornet, in the meantime contact Pearl Harbor and tell them to bring destroyers, cruisers, I don't care whatever they have available tell them to send it".

The carriers sounded the alarm and pilots scrambled to their planes already lined up on deck and many more waiting below. John and Iris were getting their strapped on, but John noticed Iris was doing it in a slow manner unlike him, "Iris hurry up" John told Iris firmly but then Iris stopped and collapsed to the ground. "Iris?" John said worried for him.

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