Interviewing Time!

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A/N Dedicated to @kristybauer7 for asking the questions!

Hey guys! This is racefunhorsess here! Okay I did an interview a while ago and I got some questions and I haven't had anymore for a while.

The video above is Hilarious please watch.

Okay here is the interview enjoy!

Me: Okay everyone here? *Looks around room* EMILY!!! Get your face out of the donuts and into the living room!

Emily: Sheech, can't a girl get a donut around here?

Clint: You're going to look like that Mexican women in Budapest! *Slaps on back of head* Ouch! Seriously can you both try and stop giving me cognitive recalibration again!

Emily: Are you sure you got Loki out of his head, he's a little cranky.

Me: Okay people, shut up! *gains attention* we have some very special people joining us to...

Johnny: Johnny Storm is here, please take note of this hotness

Violet: Will you please stop talking about me like that, I know I'm sexy but you give me way too much attention.

Johnny: I wasn't talking about you?

Violet: Really, I don't notice anyone else hot in this group. *Looks around Fantastic Four* I mean sorry Sue, but you're like my sister so I wouldn't call you hot because that's just disgusting, but in a boys view, yeah you're hot.

Emily: If you don't shut up in five, you'll both be fried chickens and I know I can find some way to kill you with heat, Storm. *Flicks spark at him*

Johnny: You're the girl from the conversation, not so long ago.

Emily: You've had an up close look at my suit plenty of times, remember the party where you were hitting on me?

Violet: You tried hitting on her! Really Johnny, you cannot layoff any girl!

Me: Sit down and shut up, before I make all of you into wolf meat. *Rushing to chairs and grabbing of donuts from the center of the table* we have some very special... Tony! Get the heck out of your Ironman suit and stop looking around suspiciously, no enemies allowed in.

Tony: Can we begin with the questions? I've got better things to do! *Looks at phone*

Pepper: Like planning a *I slap hand over her mouth*

Me: kristybauer7 hasn't caught up yet, so please keep comments of these chapters close enough to the middle of the What I am. Now let's begin.

Isabella: Yes, please. I've gotta get back home, Steve wanted chicken and dumplings and currently have Fury watching over it. *Crickets chirp*

Emily: Fury makes Chicken and Dumplings?

Me: Can we please get moving! *nods* Okay first question from

@kristybauer7 to Isabella of the Love And Secrets book.

Hey Darling! How are you and what do you think of your modern interviews!?

Isabella: Oh hi, Kristy.

Violet: Hi Kristy!

Johnny: Hi Kristy!

Reed: Hi Kristy!

Susan: Hi Author!

Ben: Hi pipsqueak!

Me: Now that we're done saying hi to Kristy, please answer the question.

Steve: Can you not rush her! She likes to make snow when pressured!

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