Chapter 3- Five Hours

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A/N I hope you enjoy it!! I tried to make it funny and sweet.

Chapter 3

Emily P.O.V

I lay awake, curled up in my bed. A vibrating metal arm lays across my waist lazily and I trace my fingers along the ridges. My other hand moves to the necklace of a red star on my neck and I rub my thumb over it.

I insisted on Bucky sleeping with me so I could sleep better tonight, but I can't sleep. The other reason that I didn't tell him was because I know he misses me. I miss him and I miss the old times, the water balloon fight, and the not many worries we had, besides S.H.I.E.L.D. Now I have two organizations after me and an Asgardian.

A super criminal organization and a super hero organization.

I shiver at the thought of H.Y.D.R.A. I might've gotten a taste or even worse than what Bucky had for seventy years, but it was terrible, but I steal fought back even when they took what I loved most.

I turn to face Bucky in bed. I lean forward placing a kiss to his chin and then I bury my head into his neck. He pulls the blankets up and pulls my body closer to his as his arms tighten around me.

We may be sharing a bed, but both Bucky and I support the idea of sexual relations after marriage. He, because he's from the forties and me, because my mother always said that it's a special thing to give to your spouse. On the other hand, kissing is hand holding is fine, I fully support that. *Wink*

My arms wrap around Bucky's neck as my head buries into his neck and I try to sleep. I close my eyes and think of something peaceful. I expected to go to bed with good dreams. I got just that.


Flashes of Bilgesnipe zip through the blackness beneath my tired eyes. Flickers of Loki's green robe and his metal horns smash through the racing pictures of Bilgesnipe and then evil faces of Hel and deafening snarls of Fenrir.

Just looking through those under my eyes, I know my breathing quickens and my body tenses. Then four hundred of my suits fill my vision and I calm slightly, until I notice multiple weapons pointed at me. Their green eyes, are blue instead like Tony's suits and Loki's scepter.

The blue glows like a million stars in my eyes. It's so bright I have to shield my eyes and I wake up. An Iron man suit hovers above me, but before I can register it I let out a shrill scream. I push Bucky and I both off the bed and onto the ground with a grunt.

I look over to see the suit staring at me from its place beside my bed. Footsteps are heard and my door smashes open. An Ironman suit stands there and Captain America. More footsteps sound and the click of a gun and the pull of a bow is heard.

I stare at the suit breathing hard and Bucky looks at it with sleepy eyes.

"What the heck is that thing in my room for!?" I say between breathes. I continue looking at it and it raises a repulsor at me, aiming. "Oh heck no!" I yell and jump off the floor and onto the bed. I flip in mid-air to avoid a blast and I send a fist through it with a hot poker arm. It slams into the wall, along with my fist and then I pull out. It slumps to the ground.

I glance over at the clock realizing its three in the morning.

"There is no way I'm going back to bed." I mumble sadly and sigh, running a hand through my hair. I look over at my dad who's looking at the suit sadly. "I'll make you a new one just like my personal suit." I say and he nods his head like a giddy child. I look to the rest of the team. "Thank you for coming to save the day. I have no idea how the heck that thing entered or why it tried to blast me, but it's early in the morning and all of you have a meeting with Fury tomorrow." I say and they all nod their heads and walk away. I turn to Bucky.

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