Chapter 26- The Day of the Battle.

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Chapter 26

Emily P.O.V

"Wake up, wake up wake up!" Phoenix cries out and jumps up and down on my bed like a mad women. I groan and swing my feet to knock her down and making her bounce onto the bed and then bounce off with a thud on the floor. I peak over the edge and burst into giggles when I see her pained face.

"You're only getting off free, since you're getting married." She says and I fall onto the bed with laughter. That image was still playing in my mind. "I know it's hilarious. Now SHUT UP!" She yells and I roll my eyes pushing the covers away and standing up with a bow in mock because I'm up.

"Yes, yes. Now princess please go shower and come back out. Pepper's going to blind fold you and we're going to dress you up, but you'll have your make up done in the end because of the blind fold." I sigh nodding. I grab a pair of shorts and a tank top and walk into the bathroom.

A few minutes later I walk out and the girls surround me.

Let's get this party started.


"You're finished!" Pepper says as she finishes my hair in a curly style that they used in the forties. Now I've gotta get my make-up done, my dress on and the girls have to make sure the men are ready. I've gotta talk to Steve about security and suits. I've also got to get Bucky's shield and the girls have to get Steve's, Clint's and my dad's items to hold.

"Can you hold off, I need to talk to Steve?" I say and they all sigh frustrated. "Guys this may be about me, but I've got to make sure all of you are safe, along with the civilians." I say and they nod. "Give me ten minutes." I say running from the room.

"Alice, give me Steve's position." I say and then sprint off towards the main room. "Steve!" I call and he comes jogging towards my voice.

"Yes, Emily." He says and I smile.

"I need your shield, Bucky's shield, Clint's bow and quiver along with my dad's suit. I also want to let you know that the suits are set up and the girls are getting dressed and I'm behind. You've got everything good right?" I ask and he nods. "Now the bouquets please!" I say and he laughs running back into the men's room that they're gathered in.

"Here they are." He hands them and I sling Clint's bow and quiver over my back. On each arm is a shield and in my hand is an Iron suitcase. "Bucky says he loves you." I smile softly.

"Tell him I love him back. Now I've gotta go. If you need anything take it to our room because I'll be there." I say and he nods and I turn around sprinting down the hallway. I burst into my room, scaring all the girls and Pepper forces me into a chair.

"We need to cover the sc-"I cut her off.

"No, no make-up. He's accepting me for who I am and I wanna be what I am, which isn't an insane Crayola covered Barbie. When I am going down the aisle, he's gonna have to see me for who and what I am." I say and she nods and folds away the make-up. "Let's blind fold me and dress me up." I say and they all nod their heads.

Phoenix ties a black blindfold over my eyes and my robe is peeled off. I life my legs up to step into the dress and it is heaved upwards onto my body. It's not as heavy as I thought Pepper would go and I'm very happy with that. I bet it looks heavy though.

I feel someone tightening my corset and I stand there, with my hands at my side and keeping still so I don't mess anything up. I pull my engagement ring off my left ring finger and place it onto my right ring finger.

The wedding band is always placed on the left hand ring finger because there is supposed to be a vein in the finger that goes right to the heart. The vein is referred as 'Vena Amoris' or the Vein of Love.

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