Chapter 7. Date-bait

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"Okay, so you bit him... he's not going to turn is he?" I asked Scott in a panic as we shoved Liam into the back seat of my mom's car. He was unconscious due to Scott whacking him upside the head after he realized he had been bitten.

Scott swallowed thickly, "I'm not really sure... I don't know how deep I went and I've never exactly bitten anyone before."

"You bit me," I pointed out, sliding into the passenger seat and locking the door.

He shot me a look, "That's totally different... you're not a werewolf."

If only he knew. I am a werewolf, well a hybrid of an Admonere and a werewolf but still. I still am not quite sure on how exactly I should go about telling Stiles and Scott about this revelation. Then again, now certainly isn't the time to drop a bomb on them.

"Alright, so what's the game plan here? Where are we taking him?" I inquired as Scott began to speed out of the hospital parking lot. I had a spare set of keys to mom's car and unfortunately she was working tonight, so we just took the car and left her there. I'll drop it back off when I can, she should be okay.

My brother shrugged, "Our house? I don't know... I think he'll be okay there for now. We need to call Stiles and have him meet us there."

"I already texted him everything that happened and told him to tell his dad everything that he could. He'll meet us at the house when he's done." I informed him.

Scott smiled faintly, "You're getting really good with all of this."

"All of what? Your drama that inevitably sucks me in every single time? Yeah, I know, thanks." I chuckled awkwardly, because in a matter of hours it won't be just Scott who has some drama that sucks everyone in... I'll have my own.

I glanced at Liam in the backseat, apparently that's what his name was. According to Scott he's a freshman who was trying out for the lacrosse team. The reason why he was at the hospital? Yeah, that's because Scott and Stiles hurt him at tryouts, which is why Scott was already at the hospital. The poor kid didn't even know what would happened to him today when he got out of bed this morning. He looked like a baby sleeping in the backseat. I haven't been around a freshman in awhile, so it's a little weird seeing somebody so young.

Scott looked at me in a panic, "Why are you looking at him? Did he stop breathing?"

"No," I rushed out quickly, "he's fine... just sleeping. He's kinda cute, like a little werewolf baby."

"Kasey, don't say that. We don't know if he's even going to turn. He could die, remember?" Scott hissed.

I blinked once and glanced at Liam again. I forgot that if the bite doesn't take, the person could die. Scott could have just killed an innocent freshman. Oh man, well now I can understand why he is so stressed out about the situation.

"What's his name again? Liam, what?" I asked curiously, if I have to dispose of a dead body illegally I would like to know the damn kid's name.

Scott cleared his throat as he made the turn onto our street, "Dunbar. Liam Dunbar."

"Liam Dunbar?" I scoffed quietly, "More like Liam Donefor."

"What?" he asked in confusion.

I blinked rapidly, "Uh, nothing. Pull in the driveway, easier to get him inside that way."

"Yeah, I know." he replied as he whipped into the driveway, throwing the car into park. I watched as he yanked out the keys and tossed them at me.

"Unlock the door, I'll carry him in."I nodded and slipped out of the car, jogging up to the front door. I have no clue where my dad is, but his car isn't here so I hope he stays out for the night. The last thing we need is for our FBI Agent of a father to come home while we are hiding a teenager that we just kidnapped from the hospital in our house. As I pushed the door open Scott shoved past me into the house, heading straight up the stairs.

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