Chapter 14. Supernatural Super-Virus

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After Stiles led me to the locker room, I came to find that Scott's eyes were constantly flashing red and he couldn't control it. Whatever was happening, I had a feeling that it was because of the deadpool. Whomever created this virus is specifically targeting the supernatural, but it's affecting everyone so to the outside world it looks like an illness, throwing the suspicion off about it being aimed for the supernatural.

"Obviously, the virus is affecting you three in a way that it wouldn't affect any human being." Mr. Yukimura said to Scott, Malia, and myself.

Kira and I appeared to be perfectly fine, Stiles had told me that when a doctor tried taking a blood sample she shocked them but her eyes weren't the orange-ish color that they usually are when she's using her abilities. My eyes haven't flashed since I was in the bathroom and I saw my refection in the mirror.

"You guys have to stay out of sight. We have to quarantine you from the quarantine." Stiles explained as he glanced at me uneasily.

Kira glanced at Stiles, "Yeah, but where? What if they get violent, like on a Full Moon?"

"We shouldn't stay in here. Not in the locker room." Scott stated.

Malia shook her head from side to side, "A classroom is not going to hold us."

"What about the basement?" I suggested

Stiles sighed, "Too many ways out."

"We need something secure. Somewhere that nobody can find us." my brother added as he hunched over on the bench. It was apparent that he was trying his hardest to keep himself from transitioning.

My eyes widened, "What about the vault?"

"The Hale vault, yes." Stiles agreed as he glanced at Scott.

I remember the night that Stiles, Lydia and myself all got to see the vault for the first time. It's located right beneath the school and I'm willing to bet money that not a single person outside of this classroom knows about it. Making it the perfect hiding spot for them.

"The Hale's always have an escape route, like their house. There has to be another way in." Scott stated confidently.

Mr. Yukimura nodded, "We're going to need some blueprints."


After Mr. Yukimura left the locker room to obtain the aforementioned blueprints, our group quickly transitioned to Coach's office. Scott's eyes were still flashing and Malia's claws were still out. My eyes were still their natural chocolate color and I was fine. I'm not quite sure why the virus isn't affecting Kira and myself quite as harshly as it's affecting Scott and Malia, but I'm sure there was a reason for it.

Moments later, Mr. Yukimura returned with the blueprints. I have no idea how he managed to swipe them from the office so quickly, but I wasn't going to question it. Stiles assisted him with rolling them out flat on Coach's desk.

"This is where the school sign is, so the vault's got to be right about here." Stiles explained as he pointed to the small graphic for the sign on the paper.

Mr. Yukimura nodded, "I suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement."

Stiles leaned forward over the desk to get a better look at the map, "It's probably somewhere in this hallway. Or this corridor."

In a second flat Stiles then collapsed onto the desk. My heart lurched in my chest as I snatched his arm and pulled him back up. He blinked rapidly and glanced around the room, "Whoa."

Mr. Yukimura pulled the sleeve of Stiles' jacket up and revealed what appeared to be a burn on the top of Stiles' wrist, "It's happening to you, too. You're getting sick. You all are."

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