Chapter 2. Sardine Girl Porno

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Kate freaking Argent. 

This isn't possible. Kate is dead. I know she's dead because I was at her damn funeral. Granted, I had been hiding behind a headstone from a distance with Scott and Stiles, but we were still there. A casket with her body was lowered six feet under. I watched it. 

"You have got to be kidding me." I groaned before pushing myself up onto my feet so I could pace around the room. 

If Kate's alive... that means that she is the one who basically kidnapped Derek. I literally want to pull all of my hair out from the frustration.

"Why? What's wrong? Who's Kate?" Malia asked in confusion, her eyes widening as she watched me pace nervously. 

Stiles glanced at her briefly, "She's a hunter. An Argent."

"Can someone from Beacon Hills just stay dead? For once? My god." I ranted as I flailed my arms around. 

I knew that coming to Mexico was going to open that door back into the supernatural world that I had been hiding from for the past two months— but I didn't know that it was going to involve Kate Argent rising from the dead. I haven't actually had a particular run-in with Kate, seeing as how I managed to avoid her for the most part and the night of her supposed death I was in the hospital because Peter had bitten me.

Malia was extremely confused, "Do people not stay dead in Beacon Hills?"

"Apparently they don't, Malia." I snorted sarcastically. 

I had thought that maybe just maybe this trip would end up working out successfully and we would pay the Calaveras off and then they would give us Derek and we could get back home at a decent time for school tomorrow.

Stiles stood up fully and grabbed at my wrist, holding them gently in each of his hands, "Hey, hey... Kasey look at me." 

I sighed and let my eyes wander around the expanse of his face. He had a small dainty smile in place, and his eyes were slightly narrowed as he waited for me to comply. 

"Everything is going to work itself out." he said quietly. 

I briefly closed my eyes, "Kate's alive. And that means that she has Derek, and that means that we have no idea where to go—"

"Kasey," Stiles chuckled, cutting me off from my rambling, "we're going to find Derek."

The door to the bathroom was then kicked open and I jumped in place, my hands going to Stiles' forearm nervously. Malia scrambled to her feet and narrowed her eyes as she stalked around to stand in front of Stiles and myself. 

"Ustedes son libres de irse." 

I blinked rapidly as three men strolled into the room, clad in leather jackets and black pants. I don't know enough Spanish to understand what he was saying. 

The man who had spoken rolled his eyes, "You are free to go." 

"Free to go as in we can leave? Or free to go as in we take a step forward and you shoot us in the face?" I asked skeptically. Why would they just be letting us go all of a sudden?

He sighed, "Free to go as in Araya has said her peace and is ready for you all to leave." he said before gesturing to the door with open arms. 

Stiles narrowed his eyes, "What about Scott, Kira and Lydia?"

"The Banshee and Alpha are free to go." the man dead-panned. It was obvious that he was getting irritated with our constant questions.

Malia lowly growled as she led the way out of the bathroom, shooting the men dirty looks that made me sigh in annoyance. I've told her about keeping her anger under control so she didn't piss off the wrong people, and the Calaveras were most definitely the wrong people to piss off.

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