Chapter 21. Liam Dunbaby

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I was having my usual evening ritual of being held up in my bedroom, with my laptop and a notebook beside me as I researched about my abilities. I don't ever find much, apart from the paragraph or two on some sketchy website about psychics... I have nothing. Deaton tells me new things from time to time, but not anything remotely important... like do I have a weakness? Werewolves have wolfsbane, right? So, do Admoneres have anything like that?

My cell phone began to ring and I glanced at the caller ID, it was Deaton.

"Hello?" I answered hesitantly, not exactly sure why he was calling me at ten o'clock at night.

Deaton cleared his throat, "Good evening, Kasey. Would you like to join me in acquiring some answers?"

"Depends," I responded shortly, "what kind of answers?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to come with me to find that out." he stated.

I sighed, "Fine."

"Would you prefer me to pick you up?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be ready in like five minutes." I said before hanging up.

I closed my laptop and placed my notebook underneath my nightstand. My shoes were on the other side of the room, and I really didn't feel like getting out of bed to get them... but Deaton will be here soon so I have too. I have no idea what he could possibly be wanting me to do with him, usually he takes Scott on these types of missions... maybe he knows more about me being an Admonere than he's been letting on.

Once my shoes were on and I had a jacket, I descended the stairs and made sure that I didn't wake Scott or my mom up. I had told Stiles that I was going to be doing some research and then getting some sleep-- he wasn't happy about the separation due to the fact that the incident at the lake house yesterday had my ears bleeding and on the verge of a panic attack... but I have a hard time focussing when he's around.

With one last look over my shoulder, I slipped out the front door and twisted the key in the lock. I then placed the key under the door mat, because I didn't feel like bringing my keys with me. Lydia told me that I need to start carrying a purse, but the idea of having to keep track of a bag with a lot of personal items in it stresses me the hell out. I'll just stick to keeping my ID and check card in my phone case. It probably wasn't the best idea but that's really all I need.

I could see the headlights from Deaton's car turning the corner to get on my street, so I made my way down the driveway. I folded my arms over my chest as I waited patiently for him to pull up to the curb so I could get in the vehicle. I was extremely curious as to what we were going to be doing, but I'm sure it will be helpful. Deaton always has a ton of information and is extremely helpful.

His car pulled up beside me and I quickly climbed inside, securing my seatbelt and then closing the door. I glanced at him inquisitively, "So what are we doing, exactly?"

"We are going to retrieve someone who escaped from Eichen House," he responded as he pressed down on the gas pedal.

My eyes widened, "Wait-- we're doing what?"

"His name is Patrick and he's a Wendigo. He escaped awhile back and if we bring him back, then we will get something in return." Deaton explained, completely unfazed by the fact that he was basically having me follow him on a vigilante mission.

I blinked rapidly, "Wait, hang on. A Wendigo escaped Eichen House? How the hell did they manage to get him in there if he's a supernatural creature?"

"Oh, you don't know about the closed unit?" he asked in genuine concern, he even glanced at me as he came to a stop for a traffic light.

Apparently the closed unit isn't for "the real psychos" as Malia had called it back when I was in Eichen. The closed unit is for supernatural creatures that are psychos. I mean, it makes sense I guess... but the fact that it's in the same facility where they keep human psychos is completely unsettling. Not to mention that Stiles and I had been in the closed unit when we tried to break into the basement. How was it possible that we had no idea that we were around a bunch of supernatural creatures. We're practically magnets for them.

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