Fallout » Stiles Stilinski

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If you haven't read The Other McCall or In This Together go and do that because if not, you will be thoroughly confused because I have created a story-line for my OC that is apart from the story-line of the show and you need information from the previous books to understand this one.

I have to give this dumb disclaimer once again. I do NOT own Teen Wolf or the plot-lines/characters from the television show. I DO own Kasey and all of her plot-lines. SO DO NOT STEAL THEM. 

This story will NOT be posted until season four is finished airing and I have had enough time to develop my own plot lines to tie into what Jeff has in store for us all. I'm really excited for this season, the wheels in my head are already turning. 

Also the description sucks because I have no idea what is happening this season, so once it finishes airing then the description will be updated. 

Thanks again, and happy reading! xx

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