Chapter 11. Not a Wishing Well

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I pushed through the doors of the Animal Clinic roughly. I had received a text from Stiles telling me that Brett Talbot had been brought here, which means I told them in time and he wasn't killed. Well, at least not yet. In the text, Stiles said that Brett wasn't doing so great. When I walked back into the examination room, I could see exactly what he was talking about.

Brett appeared to be having a seizure of sorts; his body was shaking erratically and some sort of mustard yellow foam was oozing out of his mouth. I then caught sight of Stiles and Derek attempting to hold his body still as Deaton snatched a scalpel off of the counter.

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" my boyfriend hissed as he struggled to keep Brett still, his attempts were failing due to the rate at which Brett's body was convulsing.

Deaton cleared his throat and positioned the scalpel above Brett, "He's been poisoned with a rare form of Wolfsbane. I need you to hold him as still as possible."

"Hey, Derek how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles snapped as he shot Derek a look, which Derek returned almost immediately, "Yeah well I'm not the only one here with werewolf strength."

I stepped further into the room, "Maybe I can help?"

All eyes, apart from Brett's, were on me as I dropped my bag on the floor and quickly stood beside Stiles. My hands locked around Brett's upper arm and I used my newly acquired aforementioned werewolf strength to help keep his body still. As soon as I applied the pressure, Brett's body slowed significantly.

"Okay I think this is the best you're gonna get," I said as Brett seemed to muster up a fireball of power inside of him. His body shot up off the table, throwing everyone back. My body fell on top of Stiles as his shoulder hit the corner of the sink.

Brett was attempting to make a break for the exit when Peter appeared out of nowhere and punched him in the face. Brett's body flew back onto the floor, and the room fell silent. I quickly caught sight of Peter's blue eyes and swallowed back my disgust. He glanced around the room before allowing his eyes to change back to their natural shade, "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself."

"Maybe more than a little," I scoffed as I pushed myself off the floor, quickly snatching Stiles by the wrist and pulling him up with me.

Peter narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side slightly, "Do you really have any room to talk sweetheart? Last time I saw you, you were merely an Admonere."

My jaw clenched as I let out a huff of annoyance, "I didn't ask for this, nor did I want it.. so don't you dare compare me to you. I'm not a sociopath willing to do whatever it takes to quench his never ending thirst for power."

"Okay," Stiles cut in as he kneeled beside Brett, "Doc, I don't think he's breathing."

Deaton quickly went to work and cut an incision on Brett's chest, the yellow liquid oozed out and a puff of yellow smoke exited the wound. My eyes widened slightly as I watched the smoke dissipate into thin air. I glanced at Stiles whom appeared to just as confused, if not more, than I was at the entire situation.

"Can you guys hear that? What's he saying?" Stiles asked as he drew attention to Brett's whispered words.

I focussed my energy on my hearing and attempted to catch a hint of what he was saying, "The sun... the moon... the truth." I glanced at Deaton, knowing that he would be able to come up with an explanation as soon as he heard what Brett was saying.

"Three things can not long be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth. It's Buddhist." Deaton said as he glanced at Derek.

I adverted my gaze, knowing that it was going to be awkward between us for awhile. The fact that Stiles and Derek are in the same room right now is making me extremely nervous. Hopefully, the problem at hand will keep them occupied enough to where I don't have to explain what happened between Derek and myself. I will tell Stiles, eventually. I have to tell him. I'm just afraid to tell him.

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