Chapter 10 Pizza, Anyone?

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Weeks went by, and Leafy and Firey were having the time of their lives, sleeping in until late in the day, cooking outdoor foods and enjoying it, having fun, and playing games.

Best of all, they had no stress or obligation from the game show they were on. They were not contestants anymore, they were free objects living the best life.

And they were the best of friends, what more could anyone want?

Firey would soon realize that while Leafy was happy, she would want a break from fish food and fruit all the time.


Leafy loved pizza, especially pepperoni pizza. It was her favorite. Unfortunately, she hadn't had it for many years. The last time she ate a pizza pie was before even the first season of BFDI happened! Poor Leafy wanted a break from the food off the island and something different. And sadly, Firey was well aware of it as he saw that Leafy would slowly eat her fish and fruit as if she wanted something else.


One day, Firey saw Leafy sitting down with a growling stomach. Firey looked over and saw the fruits and fish food nearby and untouched. Firey knew why that was.

"Hey, Leafy, I know you are hungry, but what do you want to eat?", asked Firey. Leafy turned around in shock. She believed that Firey was mad at her for not eating the food that was provided for her by the island itself and that she was selfish.

She was wrong.

"Oh, uh, nothing, Firey, I promise, I will eat later. I just feel like it is too early to eat.", Leafy lied.

But, Firey did not buy it one bit.

"Leafy, come on, I know you are lying. Now, tell me, why are you really not eating?", Firey asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Leafy sighed. Being friends with someone meant that no matter how hard someone tried, they could never lie to that friend and get away with it for long, or not at all, for that matter.

"OK, the truth is, well, that...,", Leafy had to pause so as not to get choked up over something as silly and trivial as this. "*sigh* It is not that I am ungrateful for everything or that I am trying to be selfish, but, I... *deep breath* I want to eat something different than the food we have been eating for months now. I love living with you, Firey, I really do, but..., *sigh* *sniffle* I want... to eat... something else."

Leafy looked away and closed her eyes hard. She desperately wanted to keep her tears away, but then, she remembered that Firey disapproved of her hiding her feelings, so she gave up and allowed them to flow.

Firey ate a Yoyleberry and turned into metal. He, then, went and hugged Leafy, tightly.

"Hey, it is OK, Leafy, I am not judging you and I don't think you are selfish, at all!", Leafy looked up like a little toddler with tears looking up at a parent. "Really?", she said as she wiped away her tears. "Yes, really! You deserve to have something else to eat and enjoy as so do I! We have been eating the same thing over and over again and it is so frustrating! We need something else and THAT is not being selfish!", Firey explained in a serious but reassuring way.

Leafy wiped her nose with her sleeve and sniffled. "Wow, thank you, Fire-man, you are such a good friend!", she said.

Firey smiled. Truth be told, Firey knew about Leafy's troubles and why she was the way she was. After everything the poor, little leaf had been through, Firey was honestly surprised that Leafy was not more emotionally damaged than how she was currently.


Later that day, Firey knew that in order to help Leafy give her the beloved pizza, he would have to order it. But, how?!

They were on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere!

Then, it hit him. He remembered that Yellow Face's Warehouse did delivery via drone service and that they delivered pizza along with other kinds of foods in many different places, especially Goiky. Firey thought that if the Warehouse could deliver anywhere, than it could deliver to the island they were on.

Using his phone, he looked at the map and saw which island they were on and where it was located. Next, he looked at what kind pizzas there were to chose from. Then, he placed in an order.

A big order.

After it was done, Firey smiled. He looked over to Leafy, who was trying to eat a small piece of fish. She managed to eat it by shoving it in her mouth and forcing herself to swallow.

"Don't worry, Leafster, I will be here for you, always. I will make right what I have done wrong to you all those years ago. Consider me always helping you and being here for you, forever, as my apology."


Later, at dinner time, Leafy simply wanted to skip the meal and go to bed. She was too sad and apathetic towards always eating the same thing that she didn't care anymore.

But, that was when something amazing happened; something that Leafy would never forget.

A drone appeared and approached the hut. Leafy was confused.

"Hey, Firey, why is there a drone here?", she asked. "And what is it carrying?"

The drone was carrying two flat boxes and handed it to Firey, who was standing on the porch, he took it and gave the drone some money, before it flew off into the distance, disappearing into the horizon.

Firey called out to Leafy. "Dinner is served!", he shouted.

Leafy was stunned. "OK!", she said simply.

Inside in the main room, Firey opened up the boxes and what Leafy saw warmed her right to them.

It was pizza!!!!!!!

"I knew you liked pizza and I thought this would be a good difference than eating the same food over and over again. I, also, know that you haven't had pizza in a long time, so I went and ordered this for us. Do you like it?", he asked. Leafy smiled and shoved a Yoyleberry in her mouth before hugging Firey in a surprise hug. "I love it!!!!! Thank you so much!!! You are so cool!!! This is so awesome. Thank you, Firey, thank you!"


Firey and Leafy ate the pizza like they were wild animals eating and having a feast. Leafy ate the pizza and enjoyed every last bite. She was so happy as the taste of the delicious pizza slices danced around her mouth. It has forever since she had her beloved pizza. But, boy, was it worth the wait. Firey looked over and saw Leafy so happy. It made him feel happy as well. He was glad that he could make Leafy happy and help her feel like her true self again.

"How is the pizza, Leafy?", he asked. Leafy beamed as she wolfed down the pizza slices in her hands (she had several of them in her hands at once). "Really good. Thank you.", she replied with her mouth full and drooling. Firey shook his head, smiling, and handed Leafy a tissue to use as a napkin. Leafy took it and wiped off her greasy hands on it.

After a little while, Leafy and Firey finished both boxes! They were completely full, but happy. "Oh, I am so full, but, it was so worth it.", Firey said. "I know, but, we enjoyed it!", Leafy remarked.

Leafy belched loudly. "Excuse me!", she said as she covered her mouth. Firey laughed. "You sure enjoyed that pizza, Leafster, I am just glad I could make you feel better and have you be happy again.", he said. Leafy smiled a warm, genuine smile. "Thank you, Firey, you are such a good friend. I am just glad I am here with you."

The rest of the night, Firey and Leafy slept in their beds with happy thoughts and nice, full, and warm bellies, filled with pizza.

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