Chapter 19 Snakes on a Boat

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Firey and Lulu went out on the boat for a ride after Leafy recovered from her sickness. Leafy stayed behind to rest and gather some more fruit from the island.

Firey wanted Leafy to take it easy while he took care of Lulu and took the boat out for a little adventure. Leafy didn't mind being left behind. She had no hard feelings. She was just too weak and wanted to stay behind and also wanted Firey to bond with her.

Using whatever strength she had, she walked over and picked up some fallen coconuts on the beach. She also went and picked some berries from the bushes. She shook and shivered. She also sneezed. She took a minute to blow her nose.

Much better. She continued to work.


Meanwhile, Firey and Lulu lowered the anchor and floated along the waves on the sea. It was quite nice. The sun shone brightly in the sky and reflected beautifully on the surface of the water. The wind was quite cool and felt good being blown against their faces.

It was very nice and very relaxing.

Lulu looked around.

"This is so nice. I love this view. Poor Leafy that she couldn't come.", Lulu said. Firey nodded. "I know. But, Leafy has to recover from her sickness completely, plus, she was OK with us going without her. But, the water and the view is lovely.", Firey explained.

It seemed so nice and peaceful that it seemed that nothing could ruin that perfect moment.

But, it was not to be.


A while later, Firey started to get seasick. "Uh-oh!", he said as he went over the edge of the boat and threw up. Lulu cringed but felt sorry for Firey.

"Oh, no! Are you OK?", Lulu asked. Firey nodded. "Yeah, just got a little seasick is all.", he replied.

But, the worst was coming.

Soon, as Firey and Lulu decided to head back, they heard a hiss... and a rattle!

"What was that?", asked Lulu. "I don't know.", Firey replied with a deep fear.

Then, a hiss was heard again.

"OK, that is spooky!", Firey said. He looked over and saw...

"A SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lulu screamed and Firey recoiled away.

But, there wasn't just one snake, there were not just two...

There were three!

Lulu and Firey ran to the other end of the boat. The boat slightly tipped to that one side.

"Oh, my spark! If we get close to the snakes, we are dead, and if we get too close to one end of the boat we are dead!", Firey exclaimed.

Lulu was in shock. "What do we do, Firey?!", she asked.

Firey looked around and saw the anchor still in the sea. "Hold on! We are going long!!!!", Firey shouted, loudly.

Firey lifted the anchor and he hit the now fixed propeller on the boat at full throttle!

They were going fast! They propelled through the sea at full speed. They looked like a motor boat in a race.

Leafy looked over at the sea and saw Firey and Lulu on the speeding boat, it seemed like fun!

"What in the world are they doing?", Leafy asked as looked on in awe.

Firey and Lulu screamed as they went through the sea at full speed. Then, the snakes fell overboard from the momentum of the speed, hitting the water with a huge splash.

"Yay, we did it, Firey! We did it! The snakes are gone!", Lulu exclaimed. Firey smiled and sighed in relief.

But, the "fun" was just beginning.

Firey tried to turn off the boat, but the boat was going too fast for Firey to control the boat. They were out of control!

"Look out!", Firey exclaimed.

The boat continued to go at full speed until they made their way to the beach. The boat crashed on the beach at full force, flinging Firey and Lulu off and them flying through the air! Firey landed on the sand and Lulu landed...

...right in Leafy's arms!

"... Hey, Leafy.", she said.

Leafy was surprised, but simply raised her hand and waved back, awkwardly, as she held Lulu in her other hand.

Firey, then, got up.

"*spits out sand* OK! Now on, land? Safe. Water? Not safe!", he said as he looked around to the boat nervously before walking slowly to tie it up and shut it off.

"Did I miss something?", asked Leafy.

"Believe us, you don't wanna know.", Lulu replied, as she jumped off from Leafy's hand and walked away.

Leafy was shocked and confused for a moment. But, she simply shrugged and walked off towards the hut.


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