13: Newest Bitch in town

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Lailah Dk

I watched the two couples from the railings of the stairs as I came down walking slowly. They were happily seated at the dining table and eating. She was feeding Haidar while he laughed at all her jokes. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, I didn't like the girl. She seemed fake and from how she looked you could tell she wasn't the type to want to get married. I was feeling hungry so I wanted to go into the kitchen and cook. The king had told me that whenever I was hungry, I should simply cook for myself, and at this moment I was a bit still weak and needed to take my last injections for the afternoon so I needed to eat something. I dreaded the fact that I had to pass through the dining room to get to the kitchen. That bitchy girl had already seen me as I walked toward them. She immediately whispered something into Haidar's ear that made him choke out with laughter. She forthwith offered him water while laughing as well.

"I'm telling you, she looks like an HIV patient" she whispered but I heard. I turned around and shoot her a very deadly glare. She hissed and rolled her eyes at me. Indeed she had all the traits bitches possessed. Haidar on the other hand seemed to find Amusement in everything she had to say. He would laugh or even chuckle. I dislike this lady a lot.

I decided not to pay her attention and just walked into the kitchen and turned on the gas. I put a pot of water on the fire and made custard when the water began boiling. I put a little milk and sugar in the bowl of custard and picked it up to go back upstairs when the lady stopped me at my pace. "Where do you think you are going to with my boyfriend's food and with whose permission did you enter into the kitchen?" She inquired. I looked at her very calmly. I knew she felt disturbed by my gaze because it was pretty much telling her she was foolish. I tried to walk past her but she held my hand.

"Excuse me?" I raised a brow.

"I'm talking to you and you are just staring at me like a fool huh?" She said.

"The last time I checked, you are not my boss and neither is the prince. So if you'd excuse me I would love to go and have my lunch please." I said to her. She looked at me as though I had grown another head. From all sides, you'd be able to tell she wanted to just skin me Alive. I felt like laughing at her but I just had to maintain a straight face.

"What's going on here?" Haider asked from behind her.

"This bodyguard of yours is very rude baby. I was simply asking her with whose permission is she eating your food and she gave me a very rude reply"
She said. Haidar looked from me to her and said "Nailah, it's just food. let her eat"
He defended. I felt a bit happy hearing him say that. For once he stood by me in something. Of course, she did not take it lightly because she began yelling at him like he was a child.

"So you mean any woman can just go into your kitchen and cook just like that? What kind of thing is that?, look Haidar I don't know why you are suddenly supporting this man that calls herself a woman but you better stop it. Because this is the last time I'd watch you support her in front of me. You got that?" She yelled at him. I simply decided not to answer any of her childish comments and walked upstairs. I didn't hear Haidar speak as well so I knew he was a bit fed up with her tantrums. It's been four days she's been here and a day doesn't go by without them arguing. I even began wondering if their marriage would ever work out in the future. Because with the signs I'm seeing, the girl who I just remembered her name was Nailah was not good for him at all. She was very aggressive and I'm sure she could kill out of anger. One thing was that I was sure his father wasn't aware of her presence because whenever she'd hear a knock on the door, she would just run to hide and let the maids open it. And also, ever since she arrived here, Haidar had not gone out at all. Not even for a stroll. That was good for me though, because it gave me time to recover properly. I do hope she leaves here soon or else I can't assure myself that she wouldn't lose a finger before leaving if she decides to cross the line with me again.

I entered my room and immediately consumed my Custard in 13 minutes. I was tired so I tried laying my head down on a pillow but the scream that came from downstairs startled me. I lifted my head and realized it was no one other than Nailah. So I laid back down, but then I heard her scream again. "Haidar kill it" I heard her scream. What was going on Down there? I immediately jumped out of the bed and picked up my gun. I ran downstairs and was ready to blow the head of whoever was making them scream. I ran downstairs only to find Nailah standing on a sofa and screaming. I couldn't help but burst into laughter as I saw her screaming at a cat. Haidar on the other hand stood there and was laughing like I was, He looked at me in amusement at first and then looked back at Nailah.

"Dk shoot it!" She screamed. I rolled my eyes and put the gun back in my pocket. I squatted down and picked up the white cat. It was really cute and I wondered why she would hate such an adorable creature.

"Come with me darling," I said to the cat. Nailah made a disgusted face before uttering "Eww"

"It's just a cat," I said to her. She rolled her eyes and got down from the sofa. Oh, what a weakling she was. She was really funny, she would always act tough but here she was. Screaming at a poor cat. I picked it up and walked away. I didn't want to be a part of any of her drama. I was fed up with it.

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