23: Break up in Dubai

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Lailah Dk

I stared at Nailah as she returned the slap. She slapped Haidar hard across the cheeks. "You slapped me for this cunt!" She yelled. Everyone at the party had already stopped dancing and focused their attention on us. Sahib immediately ran over to where I lay in shock and helped me up.

"You are a crazy bitch!" Haidar yelled. I've never seen him this angry. "How can you push her just like that? You just jumped to a conclusion" He half yelled.

"I didn't jump to the conclusion you are cheating on me, you bastard. You son of a bitch" She slapped Haidar again. This time I immediately held her hand. Part of my job was making sure Haidar never gets hurt.

"Miss Nailah, don't you dare go any further," I said very calmly. She stared at me angrily and landed a slap on my face with her free hand.

"You are the reason he has changed towards me. You are sleeping with my boyfriend, right? That's why he doesn't wanna touch me" She landed another slap on my cheeks. Oh my, this girl was playing with fire. I immediately tossed her on the floor roughly. Everyone gasped out loud.

"You are mad! How dare you call me a whore?." I pointed my index finger at her. "You are lucky I'm not in my country, I would have made sure you are locked up in jail" I spat out.

Haidar just stared at me as I spoke to her. I was really angry now. I allowed her to slap
Me twice. Which doesn't mean I'm weak. She doesn't have any right to call me a whore.

"You know what? You and I are over. I'll never marry you Haidar Jega. You can Fuck your whore as much as you want. Bastard" She got up and punched Haidar on the chest before sashaying away. I looked at Haidar. He didn't say anything. He just took deep breaths, most people kept making videos of what was happening. The security ran in late and didn't say a thing when they saw prince Sahib standing there.

"Let's go Haidar" Sahib placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. Haidar immediately began taking long strides out of the venue. I and sahib followed suit until we got into the parking lot and took our seats in the G-wagon. I sat in front as usual while sahib and Haidar took the backseat.

"What was wrong with Nailah?" Sahib rhetorically asked.

"She's on Drugs," I said.

"Drugs?" Sahib asked.

"Yeah, I know a person that uses drugs when I see them. The people in the Army use it a lot, and Nailah is using drugs. I noticed it the time she came to Nigeria" I said.

"That explains a lot," Sahib said.

"Drug or not. I don't care about her any longer. She's not good for me" Haidar said.

"Chill Haidar. If what Lailah is saying is right, then we have to help her. She might kill herself." Sahib said.

"She lied to me. I knew she did drugs. I thought she had stopped it, I thought she was clean. It was sick of me thinking Nailah could ever quit drugs" Haidar clenched his fists. I stared at him through the rearview mirror. He looked like a mess. His bow tie was hanging on his chest.

"You knew she did drugs?" Sahib asked what was on my mind. How can a man still stay with such a woman, it's never easy for a person to quit drugs.

"Yeah, I knew. Let's drop Nailah's topic please, I need to rest" He said. The driver had already Alighted in front of Sahib's house. Haidar was the first to go out of the car, he stormed off leaving I and Sahib together. I looked at sahib and he looked as confused as I did at the moment but we didn't utter a word to each other.

"Good night," I said to sahib.

"You love Haidar." I stopped in my tracks when I heard those words.

"Excuse me?" I raised a brow.

"Stop denying it, I can see it. And he loves you too, that's for sure. Today proves it" He said.

"Prince sahib I'm sure you are getting the wrong impression, I do not love the prince" I deadpanned.

"Come on Lailah, stop lying. It doesn't suit you" He said.

"And stop joking prince Sahib, it doesn't look good on you either," I said very bluntly before turning around to walk away when he said.

"Keep denying it Lailah, you know you love him. You'll realize it soon enough, not now" He said. I didn't turn around, I took fast strides into the mansion. I immediately ran upstairs to my room. I took in deep breaths. I had to steady my breathing because I was perplexed. Was what Sahib saying the truth? Did I love Haidar? Gosh, I had to take my mind off him. I ran for the bathroom and took my bath, I stayed in the shower for thirty good minutes. Enjoying the warm water that poured from the shower. I enjoyed it a lot.

After getting enough water, I put off the shower and stared at my naked reflection in the huge mirror hanging on the bathroom wall. I looked slim, I hated it. I was never slender as a child, I had always been fat. Though my bosoms did not reduce at all, my hips stood firmly but I felt slim. I hissed and took a towel from where it lay and wrapped myself around it. I took another towel and wrapped my hair with it. I then walked out of the room. I immediately picked up my phone and a message on the screen welcomed me.

Unknown: Lailah, Lailah. You thought you could escape death right? Well, I'll bring death to you, Congratulations to me though. I've succeeded in my first plan.

I read out loud, and my heartbeat accelerated. I didn't even mind that was only on a towel, I ran from my room and immediately pushed Haidar's room open.

"What are you doing in my room? And like this?" He was alright, what did the person mean by congratulations?

Just then, as a distraction. Haidar's phone rang, he picked it up and immediately the phone fell from his hand.

"What happened?" I asked. Breathing in and out heavily.

"My father..." Tears streamed down his eyes. "He was murdered"

I gasped!

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