20: The Emirates 2

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Lailah's DK

I was given a very nice room that is scented like roses, I like the types of furniture in the room and it looked quite Royal as well. Speaking of Royal, Haidar is so annoying. Well, I haven't seen him in a while. By a while, I mean two days. Yeah, the prince was dodging me. But today I would most definitely shock him. Like y'all know, he had gotten me allots of Abaya's and gowns and non was black. They were mostly Ash in color with a few other colors added to them. I was standing before the full-length mirror in my room. I was wearing a blue Abaya today and I hated how it made me look girly. It's not that I loved looking like a man, that is forbidden in Islam. But due to the nature of my job, I always had to wear trousers. So in my defense, I was wearing a trouser and a shirt inside my Abaya. Of course, it wasn't easy, but my job comes first.

"I've missed all the fun times." My room was located in the other living room
That was upstairs. So I could hear the audibly.

"Yeah, me too" I heard Sahib's orotund voice. That guy screamed murder, he looked huge and handsome. I was sure the girls in the Emirates would be dying for the Arab prince.

I immediately placed my veil over my head and stormed out to meet the two men sitting happily on the sofa and talking. "Your Highness" At this point, I didn't even know who I was referring to. Because both of them turned around to stare at me. Haidar looked at me and formed a frown on his face. While Sahib's welcoming smile was spread all over his face.

"What do you want Lailah?." Haider asked rudely. There was no surprise there, he's been acting weird ever since we arrived in Dubai. It was as if the dance and the incident where he held onto me in the living room never happened. For a moment there it felt like we were just meeting for the first time.

"Your highness I'm compelled to call your dad. You have been avoiding me and that was not I and your father's deal. I was hired to guard you and I'm sorry, if you go out without me once again, I'll have to call your dad." I said briefly. I couldn't fail to see the shock on Sahib's face. I knew he was wondering how a lady like myself could guard a guy. I didn't blame him though, I did look a bit thinner due to the lack of stress I was facing.

"Look Lailah or whatever that name of yours is. I've been putting up with all your drama simply because my father would get angry at me. I'm in Dubai for crying out loud, who would want to kill me over here?." He half yelled. I won't lie, I was a bit taken aback by his words. But I simply pretended not to be shaken.

"Yeah Lailah, my bodyguards are always with us as well," Sahib added.

"I'm sorry Prince Sahib. Your body Guard might be with him but I'm not at peace if I know I'm not around him. Anything can happen and if it ever those I won't be able to leave with myself knowing I could have stopped it." I said. I felt the weight of my emotions pour out through my words. Those words weren't simply because I was his bodyguard, but because I cared about Haider. And judging from the Anonymous message I had received, his life was in danger.

"I get it Lailah." Sahib smiled, he then turned to Haider and said "Aliyu Haider quit being a stubborn man and let your bodyguard do what she was hired for." Haider simply fizzed and eyed me irritatedly.

"Whatever, but don't you dare put on those black clothes. Got it?" He said and I nodded. He simply turned to sahib and said "Didn't you say you would be leaving for the palace by 3 pm?."

"Oh My Allah, I completely failed to remember. Haider, you are in charge of my house till I get back. Got it, bro?" Sahib said.

"Wait when will you be back?" Haider asked. I felt a bit awkward listening to their conversation so I immediately excused myself. But on my way to my room, I heard a sahib say, "Tomorrow"

As soon as I got to my room, I threw myself on the bed. My stomach was hurting badly and only God knew how much pain I was enduring. I simply laid there for what seemed like hours. My stomach was hurting badly and the urge to vomit was disturbing. Nevertheless, I vomited badly. I felt like I would die. I thanked my stars that I came ready for the pain this month. I had eaten food that was cooked by Sahib's maid. Ergo, I swallowed my painkillers and tried to get some sleep. I shut my eyes but the pain was traumatic. My laps were hurting and so were my buttocks. I felt like I would die. Now I was wondering why my pain killers weren't working, it seemed like it had added to the pain.

As if matters weren't worst, I heard a knock on my door. I hissed harshly before yelling "Come in!"

The doorknob twisted and I saw a confused Haider staring at me. I immediately tried to hide the heating pad that was laying on my bed. Being a bodyguard doesn't mean I wasn't shy of matters that came to my dignity. Haider seemed to have seen it and only rolled his eyes.

"Oh, now I understand why you have been acting like a wounded lion. It's the time of the month again isn't it?." He said. I sent him a very deadly glare.

"Don't look at me like that, you look like a mess in case you aren't aware." He came further into the room.

"What do you want?" I half yelled. He looked at me and then sat on my bed.

"For a bodyguard, you do not know how to hide your pain. I could hear you groan from the living room." He said. I didn't even know I was groaning.

"So?" I was still trying to feign ignorance.

"Is your stomach hurting badly?." Came his surprising words. I didn't even need to answer the question because another groan escaped my lips. He simply smiled mischievously. For the record, I do not like that smile. One bit.

"I saw the herbs that work for cramps in Sahib's kitchen. He takes it as black tea, You can mix it and take it."
He said. I could only watch him speak. I was sure I would faint anytime soon.

"That's not required, I've taken pain killer," I said.

"Nonsense! Those shit do not work. But never Mind, I'll mix the herbs for you
Myself. By the way, you look like the walking dead." He stood to his feet. I watched him in astonishment, was he going to help me?

"And one last thing before I leave," He turned around "You have stained the sheets, go and take your bath." In all my life, I've never witnessed a day a person would see me stained. But this prince had just seen me look miserable, and the fact that he said it calmly was very troubling. I was sure he would tell Sahib about everything later. I watched him as he walked off and a realization hit me, I'd have to wash the sheets.

"Uhm... Haider!" I didn't know how his name left my mouth. It sounded calm. He turned around with a quizzical expression on his face.

"How do I wash the sheets?." I asked. Of course, I had covered the blood stain.

"Go take your bath Lailah." He said. "When you are done you'll change it." He added before storming off. Hence, I immediately removed the sheets and kept them in a corner of the room. I then entered the bathroom and took my bath. I washed for over thirty minutes. As soon as I was done, I wore a free gown, it was one of the clothes Haider got me. I know, he went overboard. He bought me a whole wardrobe.

The minute I came out, I met new sheets on the bed and my eyes immediately drifted to the place I kept the old ones. It wasn't there anymore. Did he wash it? Oh my God. On the cabinet In the room. I saw a cup of tea laying there. I took calm strides towards it and there was a note on the saucer. I read it aloud.

"Hey Lailah, I'm in my room. Don't worry. About the sheets, I took them to the laundry room. It's already in the washing machine. And yeah, I had the maid arrange the bed since you looked like a walking dead. And also, take the tea and get some rest." When I was done reading it. I felt something in my stomach. It was something I had never felt before. Were they butterflies? Nah, hell no. This can not be happening to me.

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