Ch-22 Sunagakure

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"Dad let me go!!"naruko said struggling to get out of her father's grip

"No, I want to come with you guys" Naruto whined

"Are you a kid that you are throwing a tantrum" naruko deadpanned as Naruto froze in shock and then over dramatically turned into a stone

"Bye naru be careful and don't trouble shino" hinata said while chuckling and then kissing naruko's forehead

" bye nee-chan" boruto said while giving his cheeky grin to naruko and waving at her with his petite hands

"Bye bolt mom and dad"naruko said and ran outside the house before Naruto could say anything


"So is everyone here?" Iruka asked the teachers as they sat on their seats in the train

"Hai" they said

"That's good and pls tell your individual classes not make noise and sit quietly as there are other passengers also attending in this train" iruka said as shino groaned

Of course he had to get a troublesome class this year, who doesn't listen to him whatsoever. They only listen to naruko and her gang

"I'll tell naruko to tell them this" shino said getting up from his seat as other teachers except anko looked at him confused

"Shino-sensei's class is troublesome this year" anko said chuckling as iruka remembered a certain troublesome batch he taught when he was a teacher.

"They seem quite promising if you ask me" iruka said as the teachers looked at him in disbelief

"Not to be rude sir but that's completely opposite, all they do is cause trouble and don't take their studies seriously" a teacher said disagreeing with iruka

"I agree, whenever I visit shino-sensei when he is teaching I see a lot of them sleeping not even bothered to listen" another teacher agreed

"I don't think anyone is even capable of doing anything in the future from that class" one commented

"Well as far as I know shino-sensei's class is no.1 both physically and theoretically. Haven't you heard yoshiro-sensei 'never judge a book by its cover'. I used to teach same batch like shino-sensei's and look now they are known as the war heroes" iruka said while chuckling as everyone's eyes widened but anko chuckled along with him knowing what iruka was saying

The following person who said that comment was now annoyed that iruka took the other class' side

(Why the hell am I getting the vibe of class 1-A from Bnha/Mha)


Meanwhile with shino

"Do you understand naruko" shino asked the 4 yr old blonde (Even I forgot her age as she is so mature😅)

"Hai, tell them to not cause any trouble" naruko said while nodding

"Good now behave" shino warned and went back to his seat

"Okay class 1-A (😑) may I have your attention" naruko said as everyone became quite and looked at her even other class children

"We have to keep out of trouble in this trip, so stop being troublesome from now on" naruko said as her class deadpanned at her

"Use proper words baka" hikaru shouted

"What a drag! Why are you guys being such bothersome today. I know you guys understood when I said stop being troublesome. Right?" Naruko said annoyed as she just wanted to sleep

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