Poor Luxury

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"Y/N!" my little brother squeals.

"Hey, buddy!" I smiled, walking up to one of the teachers.

"You're Gabe's mother?" the teacher asked, handing me the sign-out sheet.

"Uh, no. No, I'm not," I reply. "I've been picking him up since last year. You must be new?"

"I've been the apprentice and I know everyone here. I've never seen you around," she said, looking at me up and down, "Who are you?"

"I'm his sister. My parents had an accident and I'm his legal guardian," I coughed, "Is there going to be a problem?"

"You're too young to be his sister," 

"Excuse me?"

"Linda!" a teacher gasped, "We don't question the parents! That's enough of you—I'm so sorry, Y/N," 

"It's fine, maybe educate that woman," I smiled, "Let's go, Gabe,"

"BIG SISTER!" he giggles, "LOOK!"

He came out of the classroom, one hand gripping onto a painting he had made, the other holding a little girls hand. Her blonde wavy hair flowing in the breeze, her hot pink hair pins and her yellow dress glittering in the sun.

"Bee, this is my big sister!" Gabe giggled, "Her name is Y/N," he smiled, proudly introducing me to his little friend.

I kneeled down and picked some leaves out of his hair. I turned to her and smiled, "Hi, what's your name?"

"I'm Evie," she shyly whispered.

"Oh my gosh, that's such a pretty name!" I smiled.

Her face turned pink and she smiled, "Thank you,"

"Sister?" my brother cut in.


"Can we have a play date?"

"Yes, a play date!" Evie shouted after my brother.

I stood up and tapped my chin with my finger, overly implying that I was thinking. They both watched as I thought out loud about the play date.

"Pretty pleaseee?" my brother whined.

"Shouldn't Evie ask someone for permission first?" I said kneeling back down.

"Ohhh, she right," Evie nodded with a worried face, it wasn't long before her smile returned.

"I think it's a wonderful idea," someone behind me said.

"EVAN!" Evie shouted, running past me and hugging the man. The man was very well dressed, as if he was a famous celebrity.


His Outfit:


"Well, then, my hou-"

"My house," the man replied, placing Evie on his shoulders.

"That's Bee's brother," Gabe said, hiding behind my leg.

"It's Evie, Gabe. Not Bee," I said picking him up. He immediately wrapped his small legs around my waist, his head laying on my chest as he played with my necklace.


Your Outfit:

Your Outfit:

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