Goal out of sight

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It has been a week since I was allowed to join the team practice after school. I was selected for the school team along with Richard. We two were the only ones to be selected this year rest all were the same as last year's team. Even though I am not a regular starter in the team but still I feel a whole lot of responsibility of maintaining the school's pride and name high as my seniors had done till now. I want to take this opportunity given to me by my coach and show everyone what I can do.

The best part for me in this team is that I have got opportunity to play along some of the most skilled players in the school level. I will be able to play along with my brother in his final year of the school. I will be able to share the same emotions which my brother had been experiencing for last few years. Although it sounds selfish but the most important thing I desire is to be acknowledged by everyone in the school.

"Sammm!!!" all of a sudden I snapped out of my thoughts and saw that whole class was looking in my direction and Mr. Jobs was standing next to me glaring at me. When did he came to my place I didn't even notice, was I so much in my thoughts that I forgot about my class.

"yes sir how can I help you? "

"plz can you explain me how did I do that derivation on the board?"

"which derivation sir?"

"the one which you asked me to do in the last class but due to less time we were not able to "

"ofcourse I can explain " thank goodness that I did a thorough study about that derivation when I went back home that, so I can explain everything related to it. While I was doing the derivation on the board everyone was staring at me as if i was some dumb kid who solved any question on the board for the first time.

" that's correct sam but I want you to stand out of the classroom for this lecture "

" sir but why?" i was just amazed that he was sending me out of the class even when I did the derivation correctly.

"for paying to much attention in my class" he said in a sarcastic tone.

I had no choice so I picked up my bag and just went out of the class. It was the fifth time in this week that I was sent out of the class.

While I was standing out many people crossed the hallway and just laughed seeing me out of the class again. I didn't care about any of those people but the person who was coming towards me I am worried about. He's the team coach along woth Leo.

I tried to hide but no use they had already spotted me and were now standing just next to me with their questioning look.

"sam what did you do today?" leo asked. He was acting as if he is the ideal student and was never sent out but the reality was that he didn't even attended all his classes. He would go to the one which he liked and rest he bunked so he was rarely sent out.

" the same lost in my thoughts " it was really bad to be caught by that person whom you respect the most. Not leo but the coach. While leo was giving me lecture he just stood their and when leo stopped he spoke.

"can I talk to him alone leo?"

"ofcourse coach "

"sam come to my office. " he said and walked down the hallway.

The whole way to his office i was quite nervous as it was the first time that coach had asked me to talk to him alone.

I took his permission and entered his room. He had a decent room. It had a desk made of oak wood with a comfortable arm chair behind which was the school's soccer team symbol with the motto of Winners Never Quit. Surrounding the logo was a big trophy case with all the trophies the school team has won in all these years and on the top was the pride of our school the national tournament winner's trophy which our school team had won the previous year.

" these trophies which you are looking at are the pride of our school. To get this much glory in the sport like football for 15 years without a break shows the character of the team and the players who have given their all till the last minute on the pitch. " He looked quite serious while talking to me. He had his small drawer of his desk opened and was staring at something while addressing to me.

He took out a jersey, which i couldn't recognize as I was seeing it for the first time. It was a red jersey with the school emblem on the left corner and nike tick on the right one. It had no. 10 written on its one sleeve and winners never quit on the other. At the back of the jersey Player Of The Decade was written with no. 10 on it.

Coach laid the jersey in front of me and then looked at me." This is a special jersey made by the school board members for the best player of this school in the last decade. The board has asked me to select the player who I think deserves this, and they will award it to that player in this years annual sports fest." While telling this he had a special sparkle in his eyes which told me that who ever is going to get this Jersey has earned the respect of the coach and is really special.

"A footballer doesn't only need skills of the game, he also should have determination, zeal to win, passion and above all discipline. A player without discipline can't gain success for long time. He may get recognized for short period but his skills and all the other qualities will get diminished by few of the wrong doings he had done." I had never seen him too much serious about any thing while addressing the students.

He gave me the example of zinadine zidane who was very skillful player and one of the best of his time still the biggest thing everyone remember s about him is his red card in world cup finals. He asked me to focus my life and told me that being disciplined in daily routine is as important as it is to be on the football field.

"You have a lot of potential in you just like leo, so don't let it away by your undisciplined attitude. Focous you mind in your studies as well or will have to let you go from the football team until you get yourself on the right track" by saying this he dismissed me.

The words of coach had impact on my soul as I had never expected myself to in such position in front of the coach. While going out I saw Mr. Jobs, and I approached him.

"Excuse me Mr. Jobs" by hearing my voice he turned and waited for me to reach him." Sir I would like to apologize for earlier today and promise it won't happen again" he looked at me for a while with a judgemental face as if deciding that if I'm really sorry or not. After a brief pause he said " its okay sam but it shouldn't be repeated again as I expect the best from you on and off the field" he winked at me and went ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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