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2:58 A.M.

guy in the chair
riki did u finish the study guide lol

web head
lol no. i'm taking a break by going to the
convenience store for coffee.
wbu sunoo hyung

guy in the chair
i finished like an hour ago

web head
why'd u ask then ??

guy in the chair
i wanted to rub it in ur face
anyways gn and don't get into
any spidey troubles ~

web head
delete that before the
government sees

read at 3:02 A.M.

riki rolled his eyes at sunoo's teasing as the blonde knew that the younger went to go help the police with a car chase right after class. balancing being a 10th grader and defeating crime daily was a struggle that only riki could experience, and sunoo knew that was the only way he could make fun of him.

although, riki was still smarter.

it's just that he was new to this, being a superhero that is. he's a kid that's supposed to save the world and write an 1000 word essay by the end of this week. riki just wished to have a normal life where he could maintain his grades, hangout with his friends, obtain a love life. but being spider-man won't allow for any of that.

anytime he was alone, his thoughts were a mixture of anything and everything. being alone was a fear of his, but what could riki do. sunoo was the only one of his friends that knew of his second identity but if he asked for comfort all that his friend could do was worry.

even now, as he walked down the poorly-lit street, his head was filled with thoughts. it seemed as though his thoughts could be heard out loud with how strangely quiet the neighborhood was.

"there's no way i'm getting my spidey tingle now." riki whispered to himself, looking around for anything suspicious. his thoughts only completely overwhelmed his surroundings when his spidey tingle occured, that and one other thing.

and as soon as he reached for the door of the convenience store, the hairs on his body stood tall and his body was automatically on edge.

'there goes my other sign,' the 15-year-old thinks.

but in the quiet neighborhood, laid completely nothing. nothing but a stray black cat walking across the street, the dim streetlights, and the store riki stood in front of.

it was eerily silent, only a faint flicker of the lights was heard, until the sound of glass shattering and an alarm following right after echoed, ringing in his ear.

"just another normal day." riki sighed out loud, putting his arm down from the door handle and reached to take off his backpack. he retreated into a dark alley, grabbing the red and blue suit, swiftly changing. 

riki flings himself up in the air with his left webslinger as soon as his suit and mask is on. he swings from building to building, making sharp turns as he hears the alarm get louder. his spidey tingles are notifying the brunette that he's getting close, but he can't shake the feeling that something is off.

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