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[SAME DAY] 11:23 P.M.

when jungwon arrives in front of his house, he notices that there are more black SUV's than usual. his father's guards are all waiting outside of them, bowing their heads when jungwon walks in where his father meets him at the door. it makes him wish he was in spiderman's arms again.

when he looks down at his father's hands, he instantly scowls at the suit and tie.

"you're late."

"did you like my surprise in the backyard?" jungwon smirks as he sees injured guards behind his father. when he doesn't hear a response, he decides to just go up to his room to scream about his kiss with spiderman.

"put this on." a suit and tie is thrusted onto jungwon's chest, stopping him from moving past his father. jungwon wants to refuse, the same way he did with being black cat, but he knows that he can't. even if he did, he'd be dragged out by their guards because a suit and tie meant that they were meeting with kingpin directly.

the car ride is uncomfortable, to say the least. usually the two drive separately since jungwon is usually out on a mission before meeting with their boss, so it confuses him when his father tells him to get in the same car as him, especially when there were multiple cars that his men were in.

the young black cat stares out of the window, silently watching the blurred lights of buildings and passing cars.

in the distance there's a flashing red and blue from police cars, in which jungwon finds his face warming up.

he can still feel everything from when their lips first met. the feeling of the hero's suit as he pulled him closer and the feeling of spiderman's lips linger on jungwon's as he brings his hand to brush over them. the moment keeps repeating over and over again.

it feels like a dream, how soft the hero's lips were against his and how their surroundings seemed to vanish when they kissed.

but jungwon can't seem to forget riki and his flushed face when he pulled away from his chin.

his usual pale skin turned a bright pink as soon as jungwon's lips left his face. the thought of it makes jungwon chuckle, masking it with a cough when he feels his father's eyes on him.

an emptiness in his heart starts to form as he realizes how much he misses him.

"there's going to be paparazzi when we get out. you're the only one to be photographed as a distant cousin of the yang family." his father's deep voice breaks jungwon from his thoughts, looking to the right of his to see his father look down at his watch.

"what? why?" there's a hint of panic seeping in his voice.

"it's a meeting with a bunch of mobs and philanthropist who support king pin's plans. you're going to act as the sole heir." his father says in a monotone that makes jungwon's skin crawl.

"i can't be seen, especially at an event with a bunch of criminals."

"is this about your 'friends'? i already told you to forget about them. king pin is almost done with his plans anyway so you should start to prepare to say your goodbye's." his heart drops.

"but father-"

"enough. we're here." and the door to the car is opened, the flashing lights of cameras blind jungwon's eyes. his instincts move his body before his mind can process and the door is shut close.

it scares jungwon because he deliberately lied to his friends. they've gotten so close and after they find out about his father's relationship with the infamous crime lord, they would never trust him again.

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