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01 JANUARY 11:37 A.M.

"pick up for yang jungwon." a certain figure, dressed in red and blue, swings to an already opened window.  in his non-swinging hand is a bouquet of red roses, that his aunt helped him pick out, and a bag full of jellies that jungwon always eats during lunch. and on his suit laid a black bowtie that looks almost as silly as the grin on riki's face, covered by his mask.

"don't you think it'll be a little suspicious that spiderman is swinging with a random boy throughout seoul?" jungwon perks up from his bed, rushing over to give a bone-crushing hug to riki. midway through the hug, the roses' petals begin to limp from the harsh winds of the swinging and jungwon chuckles, taking the gifts from riki's hand.

riki smirks, ripping off the mask to get a good look at jungwon, "i'm not just spiderman, and your not just a random boy. we are also two people who have kissed and are about to go on a date." this had jungwon's ears burn with blush so he quickly puts the stuff down, grabs his scarf, and forces riki's mask back on.

"you're unbelievable."

riki laughs when he sees jungwon roll his eyes. "come on, bun." webbed hands wave jungwon over for him to wrap his arms around his neck so they can head over to their date spot.

swinging 50 miles an hour in the air will never be something that jungwon was used to, especially when riki wants to be funny and throw him up in the air and catch him last second.

and alongside the fact that spiderman was swinging throughout the city, jungwon's screams turned heads. most are staring with their mouths open, others are recording on their phones, and jungwon wants a mask of his own to hide the embarrassment he's feeling.

yet, the warmth that riki's embrace brings makes it hard for him to punch the living daylights out of his date.

jungwon thinks that it's insane how he is here with riki. him and his father were placed in seoul solely in order to find vulture's weapons, but here he is having a picnic date with his supposed enemy.

when they arrive at the lotte world tower, it is extremely busy. however, the very top of it is not, which is where there laid a picnic blanket and basket full of food.

sitting themselves across one another on the hard ground, riki takes off his mask and grabs jungwon's hands.

the scene is just as riki pictured it to be, them two facing each other, surrounded by a bright clear blue sky, and voices being blurred out as they just focused on each other.

"i know that we've only known each other for six months and there's still so much that we don't know about each other..." jungwon's heart stings, knowing that he's hiding a secret that could potentially ruin their relationship, but he bites his lip to prevent himself from saying anything.

"i just wanted to ask if i could take you to the winter ball?" riki manages to ask without his heart jumping out of his chest.

"of course, you didn't even have to ask." a sense of relief fills his body as he's comforted with the apples of jungwon's cheeks rising and his dimple becoming prominent.

riki leans in to smother jungwon with feathered kisses on his cheek and forehead.

to hint for a kiss on his lips, jungwon pouts and looks up, only to see riki look up at his eyes then back down at his lips.

as jungwon reaches to pull him in closer, sirens are erupted in the distance. they both look at where it was coming from and then back at each other, knowing riki needed to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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