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6:45 P.M.

black cat, his flirtatious remarks, and those pretty feline eyes completely disappeared from riki's and spiderman's mind. but he didn't mind as much because of the thoughts that took place of the missing vigilante. the replacements consisted of physics, jungwon's dimple popping out when he smiled, what he should add to his lego town, jungwon's genuine laugh that fills up an entire room even if riki's jokes aren't that funny, and just jungwon's existence itself.

he's committed to spending more time with his friends, finally going back to being nishimura riki instead of just spiderman. riki was so zoned in on finding out black cat's morals, that he didn't notice that jake and heeseung's team made it to the playoffs, or that jay and sunghoon steal more glances towards each other than usual, how sunoo's last test scores were getting closer to riki's perfect ones, and that jungwon is closer to riki than anyone else.

way closer.

he can practically feel jungwon's breath on the back of his neck as the older reaches from behind him to place a lego piece on thanos' gauntlet. jungwon's free arm is wrapped around his neck, which is slowly turning red from how close his crush was.

the whole friend group spent the last 3 hours building riki's new lego set at his apartment, as they did every friday, but it was different this time. riki wasn't worried about any crime happening without spiderman or if black cat was robbing some bank again—he decided the police could handle it for once.

"hey jungwon?" jake asks in a curious tone, tongue sticking out as he focuses on putting a piece in place.

"yeah?" he answers, now both of his arms are wrapped behind riki, cheek rested on riki's head.

"how come we never go to yours? i heard you're an only child?" the rest of their friends hum in agreement.

"true, we've been to everyone's house but yours." sunghoon peeks out from kitchen, along with heeseung and sunoo. it catches everyone's attention but jay's, who was currently taking a nap, and they all start to bombard the overwhelmed cat with questions. surprised, jungwon releases his arms from riki and sits down beside him instead, trying to answer to his best ability.

riki takes notice of how big his eyes widened so he decides to nudge his pinky with his own which eventually turns into jungwon interlocking their hands. the coldness from jungwon's hands cool riki's warm ones as the latter does the same.

the secrecy in holding hands underneath his table sends tingles throughout riki's body but he tries to ignore it. but when jungwon's squeezes his hands nervously, it's hard not to.

"i would love to have you guys over but my father would never allow me to." jungwon expects everyone to stare at him with annoyance filling their eyes because maybe they feel like jungwon doesn't trust them. he shuts his eyes getting ready for someone to tell him to get out.

it's not like he wasn't used to being alone.

his parents had decided that they were happy with having one kid as his mother had difficulties with jungwon's birth. they showed their happiness well, spoiling their only child with whatever toys he wanted, taking him to amusement parks, and giving him more than enough affection.

but that love vanished the day his mother was captured and killed.

it turns out that being an unmasked vigilante has its consequences. jungwon's father believed that he was powerful enough to be the black cat and himself like iron man and kingpin; what he didn't think of was his enemies that were more powerful. the man who he stole from was actually a crime boss, automatically coming after him and his family with the intention of revenge.

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