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3:34 A.M.

jungwon sighed, putting on his leather mask that covered half of his face, and grabbed his belt full of a variety of weapons. today was the day his father assigned him to steal from the museum but as he pulled his suit on, his heart felt heavy. so instead, the black cat grabs his motorcycle from the garage and rides to the museum without his weapons. he figured his father wouldn't get mad when he tells him that the trip to the museum was just to observe the hidden entrances and any obstacles he would face—though the vigilante knows that there was no obstacle he couldn't handle.

the sound of his motorcycle echoes throughout the empty streets of seoul and for the first time since he became the black cat, jungwon feels free. he isn't on a mission right now, but he's going to enjoy himself as yang jungwon, just behind a mask. the air feels light, alongside his mind.

it doesn't take long until he finds an opening of the museum, most of the time big buildings have the most obvious hidden entrances. he was about to just break the glass doors in the front but why make noise and basically tell the police where you are?

the museum is not as dark as jungwon thought it would be as the lights in each department and artifacts are shining on each valuable object.

the history department shines brighter than any other, leading the jungwon to skip happily to a journal of the first koreans. he's trying to read the scribbles, mumbling quietly to himself, when the sound of webs swinging catches his attention. although footsteps arrive a few feet behind him, the black cat doesn't turn around.

"you know when i saw some maniac speeding on a motorcycle just to arrive at a museum, i wasn't expecting a little black kitty." when the black cat turns around, spiderman is in a defense-focused position, like he was at the bank. he wishes he brought his weapons so he could experience that thrill he felt a 2 months ago at the bank but being in the presence of such a hero seemed enough.

"it is so nice to see you again spiderman." riki rolls his eyes even though the intruder couldn't see.

"and it was so nice of you to not leave a mess in front of the museum. i got a piece of glass stuck in my foot last time."

"if i'm going to spend time in here as long as i can, i might as well do it without any interruptions. though, i can deal with an interruption if he's dressed in a red and blue suit." spiderman coughs on his spit and he gets out of his defensive position, not knowing what to do with himself as the black cat looks at him with seductiveness and amusement.

still feeling cat-eyes stare him down as if they were looking into his soul, riki walks to a random painting while fidgeting with the fingertips of his gloves. he's able to focus moreso on the oil painting of a random monument instead of the boy in a leather catsuit but the words are repeating in his head.

clearing his throat, spiderman tries to change the subject. "anyway, why are you in here if you're not going to steal anything?"

"how did you know-"

"you made the time to sneak in without making a mess." he interrupts. "and you didn't bring weapons."

"you noticing things about me is going to make me fall in love, spidey. but to answer your question, i guess you can say i'm a little bit of a history nerd."

"for you to sneak in past the guards, i'd say you being a nerd for history is an understatement." riki tries to ignore the first part and begins to walk towards the black cat, praying that the vigilante doesn't have some trick up his sleeve.

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