Chapter Five

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I knew he was terrified of me, but I couldn't lie and say that it didn't make things more fun for me. I thrived off of his fear, practically fed from it, and I could tell by the look in his eye that he knew the satisfaction it gave me. I watched as he gulped at my words, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as he did. It was kind of sweet and almost innocent, the fear he radiated. He reminded me of a curious puppy sniffing at the food that the neighbors threw in the yard, thinking it was only a treat, but little to his knowledge was it poisoned. He should have known better than to eat it.

Once we finished pulling the strange mans body into the house, I peeked my head out of the door and looked both ways to check if anyone had seen, in which nobody was around, so I pulled the door shut and locked it. I quickly turned to Louis and reached my hand to him, grabbing him by his throat and forcing him back against the wall, my grip tightening slightly at the contact. I leaned myself into him, the soft ends of my curls brushing against his forehead as my eyes now locked with his. I pushed my body closer to him, asserting my already existing dominance further.

"Let me remind you that if you fuck this up for either of us, it's not just me who will go down for it. You'll rot in Prison, too. So be smart and do as you are told. Are we clear?" I whispered to him, the breath of my words easily hitting his face.

"Y-yeah," he muttered, and I shook my head in disappointment. I figured he would know better by now. I quickly moved my hand from his neck and snaked it into into his soft hair, where I clutched it into my fist harshly and pulled his head back. He let out a soft whine, his face wincing at how rough my grip was .

"Excuse me?" I bit, not a trace of sympathy in my tone, "You wanna give that another try?" He looked at me with his fearful doe eyes, and for just a split second did I want to give into him and just comfort him. I shook my head, remembering what had just happened and what we need to do. I pulled his hair once more, his head once again falling into my grip.

"Yes, Daddy. I understand," he whimpered, and with his words being almost like magic, I released his soft hair from my grip, granting him a sort of freedom. I couldn't help myself as my smirk slowly grew on my face. I knew he was starting to get it.

"I have a small garage in the little alley behind the house. I keep my truck in it. I don't ever use it unless it's an emergency, in which this is, so we are going to go get it, clean this shit up, and get rid of him," I told him, giving him a small nod to see if he understood, in which he gently nodded back to me. "Good, glad you caught on."

I took Louis by his frail hand and pulled him back to the bedroom and pushed him down onto my bed. I grabbed the handcuffs that sat on the top of my dresser and walked back over to him, flipping him over onto his stomach and cuffing his wrists behind his back. I quickly pulled him up from the bed and pulled him back to the corner where he had started off in the first place, and chained his leg so he couldn't leave.

"Do I need to knock you out like last time?" I questioned him, slightly raising my leg as if to kick him in the face again. He shook his head frantically, curling his body into the corner.

"I'll be good, I swear!" he pleaded, and I had no choice but to trust him. I grabbed the roll of duct tape that had previously sat next to the cuffs that Louis now wore and ripped off three pieces before practically slapping them onto his face.

"I'm going to get the truck. If you so much as move an inch, I will cut you," I said, a sly smirk etching its way across my features. The sad thing, for him anyway, is that I meant it. I'm sure now he knows that I do, too. With that said, I walked out of the bedroom and over to the kitchen. On the marble counter top sat a bread box. I quickly opened it and grabbed the set of keys to the truck and closed the box back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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