Chapter Three

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As I woke, I could hear the soft chirping of birds and the air had grown colder than it was when I had fallen asleep last night. I slowly opened my eyes, the sight of the petite male already staring back at me. He fluttered his eyelashes almost anxiously and looked down to the sheets of the bed.

"S-sorry, I wasn't trying to stare," he mumbled quietly, his lip starting to quiver. I reached my hand towards him, he slightly flinched as I did so, and I rested my thumb against his lip.

"You don't need to apologize for that," I reassured him. I began to climb out of bed, picking the shirt up that I wore yesterday off of the floor and sliding it over my head and onto my once bare back. "I imagine you're hungry. I am gonna run and grab us some food," I said as I continued to dress myself. Louis jerked up from the bed and stepped closer to me, as close as he could until his chain kept him from coming any closer.

"Can I come?!" He spoke quickly, a sound of hope in his voice. I grabbed my phone and wallet from the dresser and looked at him as I chuckled softly.

"Of course, not," I said while watching his once hopeful face fall, "I don't trust you," and with that, I walked out of the bedroom and closed the door behind me. There was a McDonald's a block and a half away from me, so it wouldn't take me long to get back. As I began my walk, I paid attention to the trees, the birds, the expressions of all the people that passed me, but none of it was pleasing anymore. Not nearly as pleasing as having found the one. He may not think that yet. Yet. I got to my destination quicker than I had expected and as soon as I ordered and received my food, I was quick to head back home. I wanted it to still be warm for him when he ate it.

As I neared the front door of my home, I heard the familiar cries of Louis, and they were awfully loud. I unlocked my door as fast as I could, locked it behind me once I made it in, set the bag down on the counter, and stormed off to my bedroom door. I pushed the door open violently, where a terrified Louis looked up at me as he pushed himself against the wall and his cries ended. "What the FUCK are you doing?" I screamed at him, he trembling at my very words. And just as I thought things couldn't get any better, I heard the banging of someone's fists at the front door.

I opened the top left drawer of my dresser and pulled my gun out, pointing it at Louis and speaking sternly, "you are going to come with me and act like we just came back from McDonald's. So help me God if you say one word out of line or act inappropriately, I will not hesitate to pull this gun on you and end your life. Do you understand me?" He nodded at me, a look of terror on his face as I tucked my gun in my pants and unlocked him from his chain. "Put those sandals on and follow me."


| So like I said last chapter, BEING A MOM IS HARD AMD TIME CONSUMING!

QOTD: What is your favorite color? Mine is dark blue!

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Much Love,


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