Chapter 19

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Song: OverThink by Fan Ka

(Still crying cause its not on spotify)

Btw Xiao's mom makes a reappearance in this chapter :D don't we all love her ahaha

Xiao's POV

  "Thanks again for your hard work, Ganyu."

  I gave Qiqi's caretaker the money I owed her and watched her leave soon after.

  "Big brother... Where did big brother go last night...?"

  I bent down and ruffled her hair, gently smiling at her.

  "Sorry Qiqi, big brother had an important project to work on. I won't leave without telling you again, alright?"


  Qiqi smiled back at me and wrapped her arms around me.

  "Mom told Qiqi to tell you to uh... Go to her room when you're back."

  I flinched a bit, an eerie feeling washing over me.

  "Um, is mom not out right now?"

  Normally she's out from Friday to Monday... Why is she home on a Saturday?

  "No... Mom is in her room... She wants to talk to you."

  I gulped, yet I continued to smile at Qiqi.

  "Alright, thank you for telling me. Can you wait for me in the basement? You can play with Mr. Snakey and Mr. Dino while I'm talking with mom."

  Qiqi nodded and ran down the stairs, nearly tripping a few times.

  I started going up the other set of stairs, walking as slowly as I possibly could. I wasn't ready for what was about to happen. Or maybe I'm just overthinking... Right...?

  I stopped in front of the door, my breath getting heavier by the second. I hovered my hand in hesitation, not knowing when to knock.

  After a minute or so, my hand finally moved. I gently knocked on the wooden door, trying not to sound too rough.

  "Come in."

  I slowly opened the door, and inside I saw my mom sitting on the bed with her legs and arms crossed, and she was staring at me like I had murdered someone.

  "Where were you?"

  "Um, I had to work on a project. I'm sorry for not informing you beforehand."

  "Excuses. You made that poor lady stay here all night, for your own benefit. Where are your manners? I didn't raise you to run off and have some girl take over your responsibilities."

  I looked away in shame, not knowing what to say.

  "Look. At. Me. When. I'm. Speaking."

  The pauses between each word made her high-pitched voice sound even scarier than it already was, and I immediately (attempted to) look at her.

  "Good. Now, as I was-"

  Before she finished her sentence, her eyes widened and her mouth slightly gaped open.

  "What is that?"

  She looked right below my ear, at an area on my neck that has been throbbing since this morning for some reason.

  She suddenly got up, walking over to me. With her hand, she moved my hair out of the way and touched my neck.

  I flinched in slight pain, and my eyes slightly widened when I realized what she was looking at.

  "Bite marks... You were fooling around with a girl, weren't you? You were out spreading some slut's legs in a hotel, weren't you? How immature and irresponsible you are!"

  She slapped me, but not hard enough that I would lose my balance.

  "You should be focusing on your studies! I don't want to waste my money for your education when all you're gonna do is fuck every girl you see. Really, you have no respect for those who are working so hard to pay for your schooling!"

  In a rage, I looked her straight in the eye and said exactly what came to mind.

  "You're not one to talk, mother. You're spreading your legs for old goats every night, while dad is the only one properly working. Didn't you drop out of school when you were 16? Oh right, you were expelled for sleeping with the teachers for better grades. I'm not surprised you grew up to be a prostitute, it's the only thing you're qualified for."

  I was already shaking. She was looking at me with such hatred, I'm surprised she hadn't lashed out at me right there and then. But even though I was scared and knew my actions would have severe consequences, I kept going.

  "Not to mention, what was that about responsibilities? It's your responsibility to look after your own children, not mine. Any normal kid wouldn't have to hire a caretaker every single day in place of their own parents. I take care of Qiqi because I want to, but it's certainly not my responsibility."

  I could tell she was trying really hard not to punch me in the face, and instead took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She then humourlessly laughed and smiled, but the end of her mouth was twitching, and her eyebrows were furrowing so much I could see at least 7 wrinkles forming on her forehead.

  "Ahah, I see what you're trying to say, though none of this changes the fact you were out fucking a girl senseless last night."

  I felt somewhat even more enraged than before. Ven gave me those bite marks, not some slut.

  "I wasn't with a girl."

  She snorted and flicked my forehead.

  "Trying to lie to your own mother? Brat."

  Then, without much thinking, I immediately retorted;

  "I was with a boy." 


(884 words)

A/N: Legend has it qiqi is still paying with mr snakey and mr dino but anywyas


A) Xiao's mom will congratulate him and accept him with her unconditional love and support

B) Xiao's mom will be angry and beat him with a wine bottle

C) Xiao's mom will in return confess that she herself is gay and will cry in relief that she can finally tell someone and can finally stop sleeping with old men to fool everyone she's straight

D) Venti's Xiao senses will kick in and he'll break into Xiao's house and save the day

E) All of the above


god i hate myself lmao BUT ALSO I NEED TO ASK WHAT DO I DOOO

i thought venti was gonna be second half in 2.6 but turns out hes at the same time as ayato and im at 54 pity rn with guaranteed and i have 60 wishes saved up but i already know i cant get both ayato and venti and i dont wanna spend money cause im broke so WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO GO FOR I ALREADY PREPARED FOR AYATO BUT I WANT VENTI AND GOD KNOWS WHEN HIS NEXT RERUN WILL BE TT

anyways have a good day/night :D

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