KOTLC First Book: The Wanderling Woods

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I didn't know Sophie as well as I would've wanted, but I had known Dex. He used to be one of my best friends until he found Sophie and I had found Amaly. Now, I stood at the bases of their trees and let my hot tears soak the ground beneath me.

Both of them had died.

Such a sudden death with no one to say goodbye. And it wasn't just one death; it was two.

Amaly quietly walked up beside me as I cried. She pulled me into a tight embrace, and I hugged her back. She understood; she lost them also.

"Everything's going to be okay," she whispered to me, wiping tears from her own eyes.

I knew that. At least I thought I knew that. The tradition was that they were still going to be with me no matter where I went. Their saplings grew to remind us to keep growing ourselves.

I nodded in agreement with Amaly, looking back at the trees. They were dead, but they also lived on.



I couldn't tell him, could I?

He cried over two elves who were assumed to be dead, but were they?

The Neverseen wasn't telling me anything at the moment, but I had my suspicions. Sophie and Dex weren't dead. I knew they couldn't be. There was too much information that said otherwise.

Sophie's and Dex's pendants fell off. It wasn't any other accessory, and it wasn't just one pendant, it was two. The Neverseen had also been targeting Sophie ever since they found her in the Forbidden Cities. Their deaths didn't just happen. I don't think they actually did.

But I couldn't make myself tell Kell that. Or maybe I could... I just wondered if he was going to get mad or something.

I just...if the Neverseen actually had Sophie and Dex, and if they escaped alive and found their way back home, everyone would be told and so many mixed emotions would erupt. I had to tell at least one person, right?

I opened my mouth to speak, but immediately closed it. I wouldn't tell him when he was mourning because what if they were actually dead, or the Neverseen actually had them? Maybe there would be hope, but what if it was false hope?

No, I didn't tell Kell; I couldn't give him that much emotion to cope with, for he was already having a hard time at the moment.

I took a deep breath and remembered Dex's laugh and Sophie's smile. I pictured them in their funny midterm hats and their screams when they learned that they passed the first half of the school year. My memories manifested into iridescent light that danced across my fingertips, scampering into the surrounding abyss of vacancy. Transparent colors replicated Sophie and Dex perfectly, copying their details without flaw. The only thing missing was their voices, but Kell and I didn't need to hear them; we already knew what they sounded like.

We watched the light twirl across the forest of saplings, reminding us of the snippets of joy the two elves had brought into our lives. Once the memories ceased, I dispersed the light, making the trees glow with new life. For the first time in a couple of days, Kell and I laughed. Our smiles shone bright, and we held hands on our way back to the entrance of the Wanderling Woods.

"Thank you," Kell smiled. "You always know how to cheer someone up."

"Anytime," I responded.

We light leapt away to his home, and I said goodbye as he walked into his house. His parents awaited him, embracing him as he arrived, but being the teenager who never liked hugs from his parents, Kell retreated upstairs to his room.

When I arrived back home in Silverwoods, I was given a light kiss on the forehead by my mother and went upstairs to my room where my Gremlin, Trixy, played with a piece of paper that had to be for me. I commanded the paper be given to me, and Trixy rolled his eyes, glaring at me as I held out my hand. One look and I knew who it must be from. It read:

The Moonlark is in our hands. Tell no one of this achievement.

I knew it.

Sophie and Dex were alive.

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