KOTLC Fifth Book: The Neverseen Hideout

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So for some reason I wasn't able to download a photo...I think I forgot how to which I thought was impossible XD. Anyways, I know I haven't been active a whole lot, but here is the next installment of my KOTLC oneshots. I'm taking a lot of freedom with my writing which you may or may not like. Tell me in the comments what you think!! Enjoy!

Amaly roamed around the neverseen hideout, her cloak trailing behind her as she swept past each door. A small light radiated in a room near her, peeking her interest to go near it. Amaly found a teenage boy who wore the neverseen cloak, but his hood was off like he wanted people to know who he was. He had messy blonde hair and-

"Keefe?" Amaly asked, shocked that he was here.

"What?" Keefe said, turning his head to look at her, clearly disturbed.

"What are you doing here?" Amaly hissed.

"Do I know you?" Keefe eyed her suspiciously.

Amaly nodded. "We went to Foxfire together."

"So I do know you?"

"Yes... but you'd have no reason to remember. What are you doing here?"

"I'm part of the Neverseen now, isn't that clear enough?" Keefe eyed her like she was dumb.

"I know that much, but you aren't the type of person to just join the Neverseen. You're stubborn and you always have a trick up your sleeve."

Keefe's eyes widened and he pulled her into the room and crouched down, lowering his voice to almost a silent whisper. "You know too much. You have got to shut your mouth because I swear, if you say one word about anything you will regret it. You know who my mother is and..."

His voice died down. Even saying the word mother did something to him that made his skin shake with anger? Resentment? Sorrow? Amaly didn't know, but it wasn't a pretty sight. He released her arm and she stood up from kneeling on the rocky ground.

"Keefe, you know it's dangerous here. I don't know what idiotic plan you have in mind, but just remember that once you step in once, you can never fully get out. Do what you have to do and then run. You cannot stay here."

Keefe looked away. "I just had to do it because-" 

Amaly nodded. "I know," she whispered. "I'm sure it made you break when you saw what this did to her."

"Yeah," Keefe choked. "And I want to say sorry and go back and tell her what I was doing, or keep her away so she wouldn't know what I was doing or just tell someone so they'd keep her away from me-"

Amaly stopped him by putting her hand up. "You cannot change the past, but the future is in your hands. Do what you think is right." She walked back over to him and put his hood back on.

"I hate wearing this," he grumbled.

"I know, but right now, this is your identity. You have to hide the one you know is most valuable."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because...I want the same thing as you. I just have a different way of approaching it than you do."

"How is this the same thing? You kill people!"

"No I do not. I can't tell you what I do, but I do not take any lives."

"If you work for people who kill, you have a part in that death as well, no matter if you had never touched a hand to the person before."

Amaly halted and looked at him with wide eyes. She immediatley stood up and headed towards the door. She only stopped right at the entrance and, not turning around, said, "You have to leave. It is not safe here. Do what you came here to do and then go. You don't belong here."

She didn't wait for an answer or anything of the sort. Amaly left without another word, down the hall to that same woman Keefe dreaded. She touched a finger to her face, wiping a tear from her eye. She would never kill anyone. That wasn't why she was here. It was to ensure the protection of her family and the other elves. She would never be associated with another's death. The thought of it made her sick.

Amaly opened a rock door to a pitch black room except for a few crystals that had very little light illuminating off of them.

"Amaly, would you be a dearest and light the room for me?" Lady Gizela's voice said, echoing off the walls and landing with a cold thud in Amaly's ears.

Amaly gathered the light around her, expanding it and lighting the room. The light bounced off the crystals, breaking off into a million orbs that settled on the floor and walls of the cave.

Lady Gisela walked over to Amaly with a smile on her face. "You are a bright star that can never be snuffed out. Do you realize how powerful you can become?"

Amaly shook her head, knowing that is what the Lady would want to see of her. "I do not, but I'd be interested in what you have to say about it."

Lady Gisela nodded in approval. "I can teach you how to expand your abilities into something unimaginable. It seems our abilities have boundaries that we have to obey, but who told us we have to listen? If you not only use balance but also an excess of one side or the other, you could do something you thought you'd never be able to do."

"How do I do that?" Amaly questioned.

"Create light and hold it steady." Amaly did as she was told. "Now think about balancing your emotions. What emotions are balancing right now?"

"I don't know...anger and happiness?"

"Well tap into that, then choose to add more of one emotion than another. If you're balancing anger and happiness, lean toward anger. Channel your energy through that emotion, let your emotion control your light and let it out."

Amaly focused, trying to channel her inner anger by thinking thoughts that made her mad. She remembered Keefe's words, telling her that she does kill, remembering Sophie and her attitude towards every small thing someone does, the Council's bias toward everyone, yet no one wants to acknowledge it, the stuck up Vackers, the reasons why she joined the Neverseen in the first place, watching fire burn in all angles, feeling it burning her skin, hearing screams that tell her to stop yet she never listens, watching her friends burn, her family, her world she used to live in, and above all the chaos stood figures in black cloaks, and she stands with them, not caring who's in the fire or what becomes of it...

She opened her eyes as light shot from her hands, hot as a furnace and hitting the cave, making the wall crumble from under the Earth. Yet the hideout did not fall. Amaly jumped from the sudden burst and tried to use her light to put the rocks back.

"It doesn't work like that, Amaly,"  Lady Gisela said. "Once something is destroyed, it cannot be put back together."

"Why? Why can't I fix it?"

Lady Gisela brushed aside the question, making Amaly's insides twist. "I called you here for another reason," the Lady said, switching the conversation entirely. "I wonder if you know about my son, Keefe, joining us. I know my own son and I suspect that he's up to something. You will observe him and make sure that he is not going against anyone of us. Do you understand?"

Amaly nodded, her body getting tense, but not showing it for knowledge of what Lady Gisela would do. 

"Good, now you may get going. You are done here."

"Thank you," Amaly said and left the cave, taking out her crystal to go back home. She wanted to leave and she knew why, but for some reason it felt wrong. Why would it feel wrong to leave since she's been doing it since the day she joined the Neverseen? It seemed she was leaving something behind that needed to be acknowledged or fixed...

Why couldn't she fix something that was broken?

It reminded her of death.

She now had unlocked the power to commit it.

And if Keefe was right, she had killed many, many people.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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